Conversations with Jane McLelland
Podcast by Jane McLelland
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Kaikki jaksot
1 jaksotHello and welcome to the very first episode of my new podcast. I am truly honored to have a special guest with me today, former presenter of A Place in the Sun, Jonnie Irwin, who has been bravely battling Stage 4 Lung Cancer for the past few years. Having connected with me in January last year, Jonnie has shared his journey and experiences and his inspiring attitude in face of adversity. In this episode Jonnie shares the trials of his journey with stage 4 lung cancer, unveiling the symphony of treatments that form the backdrop of his story including Intravenous Vitamin C, the use of off-label drugs, and the challenges faced with stage 4 cancer such as dealing with cachexia and his resistance to Osimertinib. We also discuss the misunderstandings around the Cancer Act 1939 and recent attempts to silence me. For more information on the topics discussed in this episode, please visit: [] Exec Produced by Kheerut Punian.
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