Dizzy Days Be Gone
Podcast by darlene frances casas
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Kaikki jaksot
22 jaksotAfter becoming frustrated with seeing so many doctors and trying out medications that haven't helped, I try out a different remedy.
Maneuvering my dizzy lifestyle has really wiped me out, but I think I am ready to finish sharing how labyrinthitis turned my world upside down, especially at my job.
I am prescribed a new medication to help cope with my vertigo, and I am in for quite the spin.
I try so hard to perform my job duties, but my knees aren't what they used to be. As for my arms? Don't get me started. If only papers can just clip themselves.
I share what I learn about the fascinating little hair cells and crystals that inhabit the inner ear. Most importantly, how can an elevator ride bring me this much harm?
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