Emmanuel Baptist Church's Podcast
Ilmainen podcast

Emmanuel Baptist Church's Podcast

Podcast by Emmanuel Baptist Church

Sermons from Emmanuel Baptist Church, an SBC church in Billings Montana. Emmanuel was founded in 1952 and is a thriving and growing church with over 1000 people attending each weekend. Thank you for listening to audio from Emmanuel. Feel free to share or make copies of this message to give to others, but please do not charge for those copies or alter the content in any way without permission. 

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Kaikki jaksot

454 jaksot
episode God Has a Message for You: Jonah, Parts 2 & 3 artwork
God Has a Message for You: Jonah, Parts 2 & 3
In this second series in Jonah and the series, "God Has a Message for You," Pastor Paul shared the other 2 stories contained in Jonah. Why does God love the most evil people on the planet? What causes believers to miss these truths and is there a remedy? Listen in to find out!
09. syysk. 2024 - 45 min
episode God Has a Message for You: Jonah, Part 1 artwork
God Has a Message for You: Jonah, Part 1
This week Pastor Paul started a series, "God Has a message for You: A Study of the Minor Prophets." He started with Jonah and this is part 1 of 2 parts on Jonah. How can we know this is a true story and how many stories are contained within the book of Jonah? Pastor Paul answered all those questions and more!
01. syysk. 2024 - 49 min
episode The Story of a Freaked Out Fisherman artwork
The Story of a Freaked Out Fisherman
This week Pastor Keith preached using John 17 & Luke 5 as his text. These stories bookend the ministry of Jesus and Peter. Is there a difference between Peter's response when he was called in Luke 5 and after Jesus' resurrection in John 17? Listen in to find out!
25. elok. 2024 - 43 min
episode A Suffering World in the Hands of a Good God, Part 4 artwork
A Suffering World in the Hands of a Good God, Part 4
In this final episode of the Suffering World / Good God series, Pastor Trey used the story of Joseph to illustrate it's possible to remain faithful and hopeful in suffering and how God uses wickedness and suffering for greater purposes.
18. elok. 2024 - 39 min
episode A Suffering World in the Hands of a Good God, Part 3 artwork
A Suffering World in the Hands of a Good God, Part 3
In this 3rd sermon in the Suffering World series, Pastor Trey used the story of Hagar to explain how our decisions cause others to suffer and what our calling is while we wait.
11. elok. 2024 - 38 min
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