Frugal Debt Free Life
Ilmainen podcast

Frugal Debt Free Life

Podcast by Lydia Senn

A podcast dedicated to helping moms live their best life debt free, create income and live simply 

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Kaikki jaksot

95 jaksot
episode Episode 95: Teaching Kids About Money + A FREE Ebook artwork
Episode 95: Teaching Kids About Money + A FREE Ebook
Check out Policy Genius: Policy genius []
29. kesäk. 2023 - 14 min
episode Episode 94: Money Management Regardless of Income artwork
Episode 94: Money Management Regardless of Income
Grab a Copy of my NEW eBook. Other Episodes you will love:  Episode 86: The Unexpected Expenses of Having a Baby and Purchases that Were WORTH IT (With Kelly Anne Smith [] Episode 85: What I Do When I Feel Overwhelmed [] Episode 80:The Middle of the Month Budget Hurdle + How to Make Faster Decisions [] Episode 75: Learning to create a block schedule that works []
22. kesäk. 2023 - 15 min
episode Episode 93: How Comparison Tanks Your Finances and What to Do About it artwork
Episode 93: How Comparison Tanks Your Finances and What to Do About it
Grab a Copy of my NEW eBook. NCIB Study on Comparison: Other Episodes you will love:  Episode 86: The Unexpected Expenses of Having a Baby and Purchases that Were WORTH IT (With Kelly Anne Smith [] Episode 85: What I Do When I Feel Overwhelmed [] Episode 80:The Middle of the Month Budget Hurdle + How to Make Faster Decisions [] Episode 75: Learning to create a block schedule that works []
15. kesäk. 2023 - 12 min
episode Episode 92: Making Time for What You Want (Goals Focus) artwork
Episode 92: Making Time for What You Want (Goals Focus)
Other Episodes you will love:  Episode 86: The Unexpected Expenses of Having a Baby and Purchases that Were WORTH IT (With Kelly Anne Smith [] Episode 85: What I Do When I Feel Overwhelmed [] Episode 80:The Middle of the Month Budget Hurdle + How to Make Faster Decisions [] Episode 75: Learning to create a block schedule that works []
08. kesäk. 2023 - 10 min
episode Episode 91: Beating Budget Burnout and Best Thrifting Tips with Front Porch Finances artwork
Episode 91: Beating Budget Burnout and Best Thrifting Tips with Front Porch Finances
Episode 91: Beating Budget Burnout with Shay from Front Porch Finances  What she cut to pay off debt.  How to beat budget burnout. Our best thrifting tips and tricks  Connect with Shay on Instagram: [] Grab Shay’s Book Budget Burnout: 12 weeks to get out of your budget slump and accelerate your goals Other Episodes you will love:  Episode 86: The Unexpected Expenses of Having a Baby and Purchases that Were WORTH IT (With Kelly Anne Smith [] Episode 85: What I Do When I Feel Overwhelmed [] Episode 80:The Middle of the Month Budget Hurdle + How to Make Faster Decisions [] Episode 75: Learning to create a block schedule that works []
01. kesäk. 2023 - 22 min
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