Ilmainen podcast
Ghostly Chills Podcast
Podcast by K Szirom
Ghostly Chills is committed to connecting people around the world by sharing their real ghost stories. Whether you're a believer in the paranormal or still searching for answers, the stories you hear will scare, shock and amaze you. They will make you question what awaits you, both in life and the after life. Do you have a ghostly experience to share? Submit your story to be on the podcast by emailing *Visit Ghostly Chills Podcast on YouTube to for extra post-podcast story content!
Tätä podcastia voi kuunnella ilmaiseksi kaikilla podcast-soittimilla ja Podimo-sovelluksella ilman tilausta.
Kaikki jaksot
5 jaksotEp.05 | Real Ghost Stories: Port Gamble Series 2/3
Special Guests: June Nixon and Lori, AGHOST Ghostly Chills Podcast brings you a three-part series on Port Gamble, Washington, the longest-running sawmill in U.S. history. June and Lori have researched the Walker-Ames house, home to the mill manger's family and one of the most active places in town, countless times. Covering everything from EVPs to a mysterious frog pond incident, their paranormal stories will both give you a laugh and a shock. (Update: The Oregon Ghost Conference mentioned in the podcast was since canceled.)
15. maalisk. 2020 - 50 min
Ep.04 | Real Ghost Stories: Port Gamble Series 1/3
Special Guests: Pete Orbea, Neil McNeil
Ghostly Chills Podcast brings you a three-part series on Port Gamble, Washington, the longest-running sawmill in U.S. history. In this first episode, Pete Orbea of Port Gamble Paranormal speaks about this haunted town's history and shares one of his most memorable experiences in "the Walker-Ames house." Plus, hear an interview with Neil McNeil, a member of the League of Extrasensory Gentlemen and an expert in physic phenomena with more than 15 years of research.
09. helmik. 2020 - 50 min
Ep.03 | Real Ghost Stories: Spirits in Kentucky, the House in Manchester & More
Hear three real paranormal tales in this episode of Ghostly Chills Podcast. Olivia Ripy, who was featured on an episode of Ghost Hunters, shares stories about her family's haunted distillery. This show also includes tales from Indiana and Washington State. Hear bonus story content, first-hand, by watching the counterpart video on YouTube.
Stories: "Spirits in Kentucky" "The House in Manchester" "Tami's Paranormal Experiences" **Featured Story** (check out the counterpart video on YouTube)
31. lokak. 2019 - 34 min
Ep.02 | Real Ghost Stories: Saved by a Shadow, A Pet Never Leaves You & More
Hear four real paranormal tales in this episode of Ghostly Chills Podcast. In one story, a listener shares an experience she had with a pet visiting her from the afterlife. You'll also hear an angelic-like story from Sheryl in Washington State called "Saved by a Shadow." Listen to her share this story and more bonus story content, first-hand, by watching the counterpart video on YouTube.
Stories: "A Pet Never Leaves You" "Saved by a Shadow" **Featured Story** (check out the counterpart video on YouTube) "The Real Snapchat Ghost" "Laine’s Paranormal Experiences"
30. syysk. 2019 - 24 min
Ep.01 | Real Ghost Stories — Spiritual Connections, the 7Up Dance & More
Hear real ghost stories in the first-ever Ghostly Chills Podcast. In this episode, Gyongyi shares different spiritual and paranormal experiences she's had throughout her life. Experiences range from telepathic communications to encounters with spirits and ancient, mystical forces. You can listen to her stories first-hand by watching the counterpart video on YouTube. You'll also hear about some friendly apparitions, and some not so friendly apparitions.
Stories: "Spiritual Connections" **Featured Story** (check out the counterpart video on YouTube) "The 7Up Dance" "Kid in the Hall" "An Evening Visitor" "NE 9th Ave"
09. elok. 2019 - 28 min
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