Healthcare HeroesPodcast by NPHub Team
Welcome to Healthcare Heroes – a podcast powered by NPHub. We created this podcast and interview series for two reasons: 1. To give Healthcare professionals, specifically Nurse Practitioners, a larger voice in media. As an industry, NPs are underrepresented. Our hope is by providing a platform, we can highlight the entrepreneurs, innovators, advocates, and providers who saves lives every day. 2. To inspire new NPs on the limitless potential of their career. New NPs, especially students and recent graduates, need opportunities to learn from mentors in their industry. NPs are among the few communities whose industry leaders are largely unknown. That stops today as the Healthcare Heroes podcast brings the best and brightest to the forefront. There’s a shortage of healthcare access in the United States. We believe in Nurse Practitioners and their ability to address this shortage. #empowerNPs.
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