Impeachment, Explained
Ilmainen podcast

Impeachment, Explained

Podcast by Vox

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We are living through history, but keeping up with the unending stream of revelations, statements, tweets, and disputes is already difficult enough. If we’re going to understand this inquiry–and this presidency–we need to slow down the news cycle long enough to separate the signal from the noise. Every Saturday, Ezra Klein will do just that – through deep conversations with Vox reporters and leading policy voices about what’s going on, why it matters, and where it leaves us now. 

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20 jaksot
episode 57-43 artwork
Democrats made a strong case against Donald Trump. Republicans are being punished for supporting it. Vox’s Zack Beauchamp explains. Transcript at []. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit []
17. helmik. 2021 - 24 min
episode Capitol punishment artwork
Capitol punishment
Vox’s Andrew Prokop previews the historic second impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump. Law professor Alan Rozenshtein explains what the Justice Department can and cannot do to prosecute insurrectionists. Transcript at []. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit []
09. helmik. 2021 - 26 min
episode A step past impeachment artwork
A step past impeachment
Impeachment won’t stop the United States’ slide towards authoritarianism. Voter reform might. Transcript at []. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit []
12. tammik. 2021 - 22 min
episode Weeds 2020: The Bernie electability debate artwork
Weeds 2020: The Bernie electability debate
Welcome to Weeds 2020! Every other Saturday Ezra and Matt will be exploring a wide range of topics related to the 2020 race. Since the Nevada caucuses, Bernie Sanders has become the clear frontrunner in the 2020 Democratic primary, spurring lots of debate over whether he could win in the general election. We discuss where the electability conversation often goes off-the-rails, why discussing electability in 2020 is so different than 1964 or 1972, the case for and against Bernie’s electability prospects, and the strongest attacks that Trump could make against Sanders and Joe Biden. Then, we discuss Ezra’s favorite topic of all time: the filibuster. Ezra gives a brief history of this weird procedural tool, and we discuss why so many current Senators are against eliminating it. Resources: "Bernie Sanders can unify Democrats and beat Trump in 2020" [] by Matthew Yglesias, Vox "The case for Elizabeth Warren" [] by Ezra Klein, Vox "How the filibuster broke the US Senate" [] by Alvin Chang, Vox "Running Bernie Sanders Against Trump Would Be an Act of Insanity" [] by Jonathan Chait, Intelligencer "The Sixty Trillion Dollar Man" [] by Ronald brownstein, Atlantic "The Day One Agenda" [] by David Dayen, American Prospect Hosts: Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias []), Senior correspondent, Vox Ezra Klein (@ezraklein []), Editor-at-large, Vox About Vox Vox is a news network that helps you cut through the noise and understand what's really driving the events in the headlines. Follow Us: [] Facebook group: The Weeds [] Learn more about your ad choices. Visit []
29. helmik. 2020 - 55 min
episode Jill Lepore on what I get wrong artwork
Jill Lepore on what I get wrong
Jill Lepore is a Harvard historian, a New Yorker contributor, the author of These Truths [], and one of my favorite past guests on this show. But in this episode, the tables are turned: I’m in the hot seat, and Lepore has some questions. Hard ones. This is, easily, the toughest interview on my book so far. Lepore isn’t quibbling over my solutions or pointing out a contrary study — what she challenges are the premises, epistemology, and meta-structure that form the foundation of my book, and much of my work. Her question, in short, is: What if social science itself is too crude to be a useful way of understanding the political world? But that’s what makes this conversation great. We discuss whether all political science research on polarization might be completely wrong, why (and whether) my book is devoid of individual or institutional “villains,” and whether I am morally obliged to delete my Twitter account, in addition to the missing party in American politics, why I mistrust historical narratives, media polarization, and much more. This is, on one level, a conversation about Why We’re Polarized. But on a deeper level, it’s about different modes of knowledge and whether we can trust them. New to the show? Want to listen to Ezra's favorite episodes? Check out The Ezra Klein Show beginner's guide []. My book is available at []. The “Why We’re Polarized” tour continues, with events in Portland, Seattle, Austin, Nashville, Chicago, and Greenville. Go to [] for the full schedule! Want to contact the show? Reach out at [] Credits: Producer - Jeff Geld Researcher - Roge Karma Learn more about your ad choices. Visit []
20. helmik. 2020 - 1 h 22 min

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