Love Laban
Ilmainen podcast

Love Laban

Podcast by Love Laban

A podcast where we talk about his and her opinions about love, friendship and anything under the sun Give us a message or if you have a story to tell, send it to Also follow us on IG: @lovelaban_thepodcast 

Tätä podcastia voi kuunnella ilmaiseksi kaikilla podcast-soittimilla ja Podimo-sovelluksella ilman tilausta.

Kaikki jaksot

19 jaksot
episode S2EP5: Can Exes be Friends? artwork
S2EP5: Can Exes be Friends?
Be friends or Bye forever? Let us know what you think! Kaya, tara! Kwento mo sa amin! Basta usapang pag-ibig, relasyon, at pagkakaibigan. Just listen to #LoveLaban  DM and follow us on IG: @lovelaban_thepodcast Give us a message or if you have a story to tell, send it to
13. jouluk. 2021 - 32 min
episode S2E4: Are you ready to date again? artwork
S2E4: Are you ready to date again?
A very personal episode for one of our hosts but we hope you can all relate! Kaya, tara! Kwento mo sa amin! Basta usapang pag-ibig, relasyon, at pagkakaibigan. Just listen to #LoveLaban  DM and follow us on IG: @lovelaban_thepodcast Give us a message or if you have a story to tell, send it to
22. marrask. 2021 - 41 min
episode S2E3: When is the right time to let go? artwork
S2E3: When is the right time to let go?
When is the right time to let go? To your partner or to your kalandian. Are you looking for a sign? baka ito na yon!  Kaya, tara! Kwento mo sa amin! Basta usapang pag-ibig, relasyon, at pagkakaibigan. Just listen to #LoveLaban  DM and follow us on IG: @lovelaban_thepodcast Give us a message or if you have a story to tell, send it to
15. marrask. 2021 - 39 min
episode S2E2: How to plan a wedding amidst the pandemic artwork
S2E2: How to plan a wedding amidst the pandemic
We will be discussing the Dos and Don't of planning a wedding in the middle of a pandemic. Kwento mo sa amin! Basta usapang pag-ibig, relasyon, at pagkakaibigan. Just listen to #LoveLaban  DM and follow us on IG: @lovelaban_thepodcast Give us a message or if you have a story to tell, send it to
08. marrask. 2021 - 1 h 7 min
episode S2E1: Are they worth a second date? artwork
S2E1: Are they worth a second date?
Second date? Kwento mo sa amin! Basta usapang pag-ibig, relasyon, at pagkakaibigan. Just listen to #LoveLaban  DM and follow us on IG: @lovelaban_thepodcast Give us a message or if you have a story to tell, send it to
01. marrask. 2021 - 33 min
Loistava design ja vihdoin on helppo löytää podcasteja, joista oikeasti tykkää
Kiva sovellus podcastien kuunteluun, ja sisältö on monipuolista ja kiinnostavaa
Todella kiva äppi, helppo käyttää ja paljon podcasteja, joita en tiennyt ennestään.

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20 tuntia äänikirjoja / kk
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