Married to the Idea
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Married to the Idea

Podcast by Married to the Idea

Aloita maksutta
We're Aaron and Liz, the husband and wife hosts of Married to the Idea, where we discuss movies, television shows, books, and various other parts of pop culture from two different points of view. Sometimes we agree, sometimes we don't, but that's what makes our podcast, and our lives, exciting! 

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Kaikki jaksot

148 jaksot
episode 7.3 MCU Phase 4 TV Shows March Madness (Part One) artwork
7.3 MCU Phase 4 TV Shows March Madness (Part One)

We entered March with a dream. A hope. To definitely rank the eight shows in the MCU's Phase 4 television lineup. And we knew we'd need some help. Two months later, we emerge with our friends Paige and Sam, to deliver the first of a three-part series dedicated to answering that question. First up in our bracket: The Falcon & The Winter Soldier VS Miss Marvel, and Hawkeye VS MoonKnight. If you'd like to follow along with your own bracket and see if you reach the same conclusions as the four of us do, check out our Facebook @marriedtotheideareviews to snag your own copy, and get a sneak peek at the next episode's matchups.

05. toukok. 2023 - 1 h 32 min
episode S7 E2 - Penelope artwork
S7 E2 - Penelope

It's the month of love and we're celebrating with a look an underrated classic from 2006, Penelope! This modern fairytale stars Christina Ricci and James McAvoy and it's enthralled both Aaron and Elizabeth. Take a listen as they discuss why the movie is well done, that it explores some deeper themes and turns fairytales on their heads!

14. helmik. 2023 - 36 min
episode 7.1 2022 Recap artwork
7.1 2022 Recap

In the first episode of 2023, Aaron and Elizabeth take a look back at 2022 and the offerings, cinema-wise, that were presented. Yes, they missed a lot. Yes, they watched movies that were regrettable. Yes, they feel bad about it. Come take a listen and see which movies they missed, and which movies they skipped.

27. tammik. 2023 - 43 min
episode 6.8 Christmas Movie Venn Diagram artwork
6.8 Christmas Movie Venn Diagram

Aaron and Liz are Back Bay-Bee! It's felt like no time at all has passed! And it still feels like Christmas.... Right??? The talks-way-too-much couple explores what qualifications actually Make a movie into a Christmas Movie and Liz premieres her (patent-pending) Christmas Movie Venn Diagram! Come take a listen and leave your predictions below!

05. tammik. 2023 - 52 min
episode 6.7 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness artwork
6.7 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

We promise...we aren't trying to be controversial. But we've got opinions, and we brought in our Marvelous Married cohosts Sam and Paige once more to try and offer perspective on the latest entry in the MCU. Spoilers abound, so tread carefully.

27. toukok. 2022 - 1 h 46 min
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