Ilmainen podcast


Podcast by Qast

No one is prepared for disaster. No one knows how they’ll react in a plane crash, an earthquake or when a lone gunman decides to open fire. On Mayday we tell you about the people who had to find out. Hosted by me Maya Nalani and Luke Welland. A production by Qast. Follow us on social media! Facebook group: The Mayday Podcast Community ( Instagram: Tiktok: maydaypodcast X: maydaypodcastUS YouTube: mayday-podcast Questions, feedback or ideas for future episodes? Send us an email at ( and we'll reply as soon as we can. 

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Kaikki jaksot

21 jaksot
episode The Orlando Nightclub shooting artwork
The Orlando Nightclub shooting
30-year-old Eddie Justice hears bangs over the music. Like many others at Pulse Nightclub, he and his friends don’t understand where the sound is coming from. Maybe it's just part of the music. But then reality begins to sink in. That’s not music. Those are gunshots. Eddie and the other guests at Pulse have no idea they’re about to experience the worst terrorist attack in the US since 9/11. The hosts of this episode are Maya Nalani and Luke Welland. The script is written by Erika Ansén. Sound design: Viktor Persson. Mayday is produced by the podcast company qast. Charities and Non-Profits: OnePulse Foundation [] Equality Florida [] Pulse of Orlando [] GLBT Community Center of Central Florida (The Center) []
01. syysk. 2024 - 23 min
episode The Holodomor artwork
The Holodomor
All the animals have gone. There are no birds singing in the trees, no cats playing in the streets. When Vasyl returns home after a failed hunting trip, the family dog is nowhere to be seen. And there’s a strange smell coming from the kitchen. Only one of many nightmares people had to live through because of the Holodomor, the artificial famine in Ukraine. The hosts of this episode are Maya Nalani and Luke Welland. The script is written by Mattias Jonsson. Sound design: Viktor Persson. Mayday is produced by the podcast company qast. Charities and Non-Profits: Holodomor Awareness Committee [] Holodomor Research and Education Consortium [] Ukrainian World Congress []
18. elok. 2024 - 26 min
episode The Sichuan School Disaster artwork
The Sichuan School Disaster
Principal Ye Zhiping has to make it back. A massive earthquake has just hit his province Sichuan, and all he can think about is whether his students and teachers are okay. When he finally gets to the school, his coarse cheeks are stained with tears. The hosts of this episode are Maya Nalani and Luke Welland. The script is written by Mattias Jonsson. Sound design: Viktor Persson. Mayday is produced by the podcast company qast. Charities and Non-Profits: Earthquake Engineering Research Institute [] GlobalGiving [] Project Hope []
04. elok. 2024 - 26 min
episode The AMIA Bombing artwork
The AMIA Bombing
Anita doesn’t know how much time has passed. But she knows she has to get out. The building is collapsing around her, and people are stumbling over each other trying to find an escape. Just moments earlier, a van filled with explosives drove right into the AMIA center in Buenos Aires, where Anita works. She is in the middle of a terrorist attack that will shape her country for decades to come. The hosts of this episode are Maya Nalani and Luke Welland. The script is written by Rickard Bahgat. Sound design: Viktor Persson. Mayday is produced by the podcast company qast. Charities and Non-profits: AMIA: [] Justicia y Concordia: [] CELS (Centro de Estudion Legales y Sociales): []
21. heinäk. 2024 - 24 min
episode The Sinking of MV Sewol artwork
The Sinking of MV Sewol
The water is rising. What just seconds ago was the wall, is now a slippery floor submerged under ice cold ocean. Ae-Jin knows that she has to reach the door in the ceiling. That there is no other way of getting out alive. The hosts of this episode are Maya Nalani and Luke Welland. The script is written by Johanna Lundblad. Sound design: Viktor Persson. Mayday is produced by the podcast company qast. Charities and Non-Profits: The Nautical Institute: [] Sewol Ferry 416 Foundation: []
07. heinäk. 2024 - 28 min
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