Natural tips with Rocking my nails
Podcast by Rocky
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Kaikki jaksot
8 jaksotSo it’s that time y’all I know y’all miss me but guess what I’m back and I’m here to be the vessel for those who are not living in there truth (for friend family god and being a boss let go im back
There nothing wrong with fake stuff as longs as it’s done right
Healthy food healthy customer service and food for thought it’s great to give out the best customer service when you get customers and they have a request
So do you have questions about weed and how people use it to feel so much better questions are in and I have the answers special guest @sailoutapperal
Telling all the T on why gel nails are so much more healthier and giving out some gems on how to keep you natural nails healthy even if you can not make it to the salon and what you need to get so that polish will last #nails #tips #detroit #detroitnails #nailart #podcast #detroitpodcast #rockingmynails --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. []
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