Next Level Facebook Ads Podcast
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Kaikki jaksot
381 jaksotToday, I'm sharing 7 powerful Facebook and Instagram Ad tips that can be leveraged with any size ad budget! Website:
Instagram Reels Ads are hot right now! Today, I'm sharing some of my favorite ad angles for Reels that may help you capture more attention and make your ads stand out. Website:
In this episode, I share 5 crucial Facebook Ad metrics to not only track, but optimize when it comes to your Facebook and Instagram Ads. Website:
Meta had earnings today (October 30th 2024) and in this short recap, I talk about why it was such great news for advertisers. Website:
In this episode, I share some tips and strategies we use to optimize Facebook and Instagram ads efficiently. Listen and learn how small, consistent adjustments can sometimes make a big difference without taking up too much of your time. Website:
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