Only God Rescued Me: My Journey From Satanic Ritual Abuse
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Only God Rescued Me: My Journey From Satanic Ritual Abuse

Podcast by Lisa Meister

Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: A voice for the survivors of satanic ritual abuse facilitated by Lisa Meister, a survivor herself. Listen as guests share their story, talk about the challenges of navigating life and break down the stigma that SRA survivors face in society today. 

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Kaikki jaksot

134 jaksot
episode Valerie, SRA Victor artwork
Valerie, SRA Victor
I am so honored to bring to you 19-year-old Valerie. She is a friend of mine who has a lot of wisdom to share as a young survivor of SRA. It's astounding how much she has figured out at such a young age. Maybe it's because the years have not confused her. Maybe it's because denial hasn't set in. She did not allow her zest for life to be stolen from her. Her love for God shines through her testimony. Her motto, "I was given two inches" is fascinating and one we can all hold onto. Today Valerie speaks to kids going through SRA as well as to all the adults. Valerie is inspirational and just what the SRA community needs. Only God Rescued Me: Website: Contact Lisa: To help support this podcast:
30. elok. 2024 - 53 min
episode Meschelle, SRA Victor artwork
Meschelle, SRA Victor
Meschelle is a Kaballah SRA survivor. She grew up on a 1,000-acre ranch in a rich family that completely controlled her. The Jewish witchcraft used the Kaballah tree that believed in 39 fallen angels. She had to use Hebrew words with full scriptures from the Bible during horrific rituals. She was used as a breeder and lost 16 children throughout her years as their captive. She would like to dedicate today's podcast to the last precious little one she lost. Contact: Lisa: []   To help support this podcast: Buy Me a Coffee: [] PayPal: @Lisa453 Venmo: @lisameister4242 Square: []
15. elok. 2024 - 1 h 7 min
episode Angela Power-Disney, Targeted Individual or Persecuted Individual artwork
Angela Power-Disney, Targeted Individual or Persecuted Individual
Angie contacted me to come back on the show to talk about the rough parts of her life. This was not going to be easy because she didn't want to talk about being targeted. But as she looked over her life she had to come to terms with that has been exactly what has been going on. As we talked, I realized that all that has happened has stemmed from retaliation for a godly heart trying to reach out and help people, to minister. You can hear the fallout and the pain in her voice. Would Angie do it again? Should she have stopped caring for people and just taken care of herself? Then I realized that this targeting isn't anything other than full-out persecution. This is a riveting look into Angie's heart to see why she does what she does. To connect with Angie: Youtube: Archives of Truth: Blog: Bitchute: Facebook: Twitter: Telegram: email: Lisa's website: https//
12. elok. 2024 - 1 h 17 min
episode The 2024 Summer Olympic Opening Ceremony with Rebecca Davis artwork
The 2024 Summer Olympic Opening Ceremony with Rebecca Davis
Rebecca Davis wrote about the opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics on her Facebook page and was surprised by the controversy it started. I asked her to come on the podcast to discuss the Olympic's creative depiction of their "Living Last Supper" and what the Christian response has been and should be. What were the SRA elements in that depiction and why is it ritual to have the world watching? I highly recommend Rebecca's "Untwisting Scriptures" series which can be found on Amazon. You can catch up with them on her author's page here: Rebecca's Blog: Lisa's Website:
07. elok. 2024 - 1 h 5 min
episode Vicky Ash, SRA Victor artwork
Vicky Ash, SRA Victor
Vicky Ash has been telling her story of SRA for a long time. You can find her full story in her Brian Gerrish interview here: . As Vicky told her story and worked for justice, she was brutally attacked in the legal system, making it difficult to speak her story in public. As justice was denied on earth, she went to the Lord and found conversations with Him and His Word. Habakkuk 2:3 told her that justice would come in His timing and would be a bigger thing than Vicky could ever imagine. Hear how Vicky sees how the Epstein case is changing the climate for survivors and how locations will be key in breaking up SRA groups. This is a fascinating interview as Vicky brings hope for the future and where our stories are going forward. Only God Rescued Me: Website: Contact Lisa: To help support this podcast: PayPal @Lisa453 Venmo @lisameister4242
14. kesäk. 2024 - 48 min
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