Podcast by Rav Shlomo Katz
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Kaikki jaksot
19 jaksotWhat would you do if you were told that if you put your heart and soul into one night, your children will be set forever? pesach, []passover, []torah, []judaism, []shlomo katz, []shirat david, []efrat []
Based on a teaching from R' Avraham Tzvi Kluger, we took a second to prepare to digest a mitzva, the mitzva of eating matza. matza, []pesach, []passover, []emuna, []faith, []belief, []shlomo katz, []shirat david, []efrat []
Based on a beautiful and heartfelt piece from Rav Kluger, we receive a huge dose of direction towards this year's Seder. pesach [], geula [], redemption [], shlomo katz [], shirat david [], efrat [], Israel [], idf [], rav kluger [], breslov [], baal shem tov []
from the teachings of Reb Ya'akov Meir Shechter passover, []pesach [], torah [], judaism [], jewish [], shlomo ka []tz, breslov []
When someone knows the halacha - they do not need to take an extra chumros. Rebbe Nachman's approach to Pesach and to mitzvahs in general. rebbe nachman, []breslov [], breslev [], torah [], chassidut [], chassidus [], shlomo katz []
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