Ilmainen podcast
Remnants In My Head
Podcast by Nsimbi Josh
A place where I my experiences and through my growth journey as a Brand Strategist, Marketer and Living as a Christian in the market place.
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Kaikki jaksot
4 jaksotBe Real With Yourself
Its only natural to compare yourself with others and at times even wish you were in the shoes for probably your life will be better off. Well this might sound cliche but sorry because You Only Live Once and you already living the life that you got so no second chances. You have to learn to appreciate who you are for the flaws and strengths you posses for this helps you become more self-aware of the person who are on the inside so you can be able to appreciate those around you whose strengths add value to you or the fact that you need to improve certain areas in your life to have better results. Don't spiral in to self pity but bounce back to be the best version of yourself in whatever what you do for that's the best way to Live and Be Yourself.
10. syysk. 2019 - 6 min
Keep Your Inner Self Energerized
Its easy to forget to motivate yourself with all the chaos and backlog you have to finish yet you are at the centre so your morale matters to keep going. For some its easy to seek approval from those around so we feel good though this is just a quick fix that is short lived. Learn to create a routine to keep your inner self motivated; it can be change of friends to those who have a similar mindset, music, reading and exercise among others. Its important to not that you should create this routine based on who you are as a person and what you like and not based on peer pressure or what seems acceptable to society for each person has their own system and learning to manage it to motivate oneself back to a level of optimum performance is paramount.
28. elok. 2019 - 5 min
Patience Goes A Long Way
At the start of anything we are always excited and looking forward to covering lots of ground but along the major hiccups come along from lack of resources, inexperience, others giving up on following you and rejection among others. In this moment its only natural to drown in the confusion and chaos but exercising patience in such moments helps you relieve the pressure leaving room to think clearly on how to improve, what to drop, what to add, networks you need to create and the next steps for survival. So pack lots of bags full of patience for you will definitely need them along the journey in pursuit of your dreams.
17. elok. 2019 - 4 min
You Never Know Till You Try It
Its easy to write off that idea or urge to work on that idea or act on your passion since its not worth due to various hoops you have paid attention to and become a barrier to starting. I share my experience of how choosing to try can be a weight of the shoulder and can be the twist you need in your life.
07. elok. 2019 - 4 min
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