SINPHONY Radio w/ Timmy Trumpet
Podcast by Timmy Trumpet
Tätä podcastia voi kuunnella ilmaiseksi kaikilla podcast-soittimilla ja Podimo-sovelluksella ilman tilausta.
Kaikki jaksot
196 jaksotJoin Timmy Trumpet on SINPHONY Radio Episode 196 for the 2025 GRAMMY nominations. Plus, Timmy debuts a collaboration with Nicky Romero and a talent on the rise.
Join Timmy Trumpet on SINPHONY Radio Episode 195 for the hottest tours hitting the scene. Plus, Timmy debuts his remix of the biggest French track of the Summer.
Join Timmy Trumpet on SINPHONY Radio Episode 194 for all things Ushuaia Dubai. Plus, Timmy just dropped a huge remake of an iconic track.
Join Timmy Trumpet on SINPHONY Radio Episode 193 for artist spotlight: Maddix. Plus, a second Sphere is coming to the Middle East.
Join Timmy Trumpet on SINPHONY Radio Episode 192 for the countdown of the Best of October ’24. Plus, the DJ Mag Top 100 is revealed.
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