Slow Down Podcast // mit Sven Mahr
Ilmainen podcast

Slow Down Podcast // mit Sven Mahr

Podcast by Sven Mahr

Zen-Lehrer und Life Coach Sven Mahr spricht zu verschiedenen Aspekten im Bereich Achtsamkeit, Klarheit, Mitgefühl und Resilienz. Sven verbindet die meditativen Einsichten des Zen Buddhismus mit leicht zugänglicher urbaner Alltagsphilosophie. Zen fokussiert darauf ein achtsames, klares und mitfühlendes Bewusstsein für sich und andere zu entwickeln. Dies führt nicht nur zu höherer innerer Stärke, mehr Selbstvertrauen, Offenheit und Flexibilität, sondern fördert auch die eigene Kreativität, Intuition und Innovationskraft. Es erweitert den Verstand und das Herz mit einem tieferen Blick auf unsere Bedürfnisse und die unserer Mitmenschen als Ganzes. 

Tätä podcastia voi kuunnella ilmaiseksi kaikilla podcast-soittimilla ja Podimo-sovelluksella ilman tilausta.

Kaikki jaksot

18 jaksot
episode Slow Down Podcast #18 (ENG): Heart Chakra Prayer - Follow Up | FINAL Part 6 artwork
Slow Down Podcast #18 (ENG): Heart Chakra Prayer - Follow Up | FINAL Part 6
This is the final part 6 of the follow up series to podcast #12 „Heart Chakra Prayer“. A line by line commentary on this prayer to remind yourself on loving yourself and others alike, and accepting things as they are. If you are in pain, feeling fear, unworthiness or if you are holding a grudge towards yourself or others: try to practice this little "prayer" as a reminder for yourself. There is always something you can do. You might not be able to change the circumstances of life but you can always work on yourself and your perspective on life. Let go. Thats your greatest asset.
15. kesäk. 2021 - 15 min
episode Slow Down Podcast #17 (ENG): Heart Chakra Prayer -Follow Up | Part 5 artwork
Slow Down Podcast #17 (ENG): Heart Chakra Prayer -Follow Up | Part 5
This is part 5 of the follow up on podcast #12 „Heart Chakra Prayer“. A line by line commentary on this prayer to remind yourself on loving yourself and others alike, and accepting things as they are. If you are in pain, feeling fear, unworthiness or if you are holding a grudge towards yourself or others: try to practice this little "prayer" as a reminder for yourself. There is always something you can do. You might not be able to change the circumstances of life but you can always work on yourself and your perspective on life. Let go. Thats your greatest asset.
15. kesäk. 2021 - 11 min
episode Slow Down Podcast #16 (ENG): Heart Chakra Prayer -Follow Up | Part 4 artwork
Slow Down Podcast #16 (ENG): Heart Chakra Prayer -Follow Up | Part 4
This is part 4 of the follow up on podcast #12 „Heart Chakra Prayer“. A line by line commentary on this prayer to remind yourself on loving yourself and others alike, and accepting things as they are. If you are in pain, feeling fear, unworthiness or if you are holding a grudge towards yourself or others: try to practice this little "prayer" as a reminder for yourself. There is always something you can do. You might not be able to change the circumstances of life but you can always work on yourself and your perspective on life. Let go. Thats your greatest asset.
15. kesäk. 2021 - 14 min
episode Slow Down Podcast #15 (ENG): Heart Chakra Prayer -Follow Up | Part 3 artwork
Slow Down Podcast #15 (ENG): Heart Chakra Prayer -Follow Up | Part 3
This is part 3 of the follow up on podcast #12 „Heart Chakra Prayer“. A line by line commentary on this prayer to remind yourself on loving yourself and others alike, and accepting things as they are. If you are in pain, feeling fear, unworthiness or if you are holding a grudge towards yourself or others: try to practice this little "prayer" as a reminder for yourself. There is always something you can do. You might not be able to change the circumstances of life but you can always work on yourself and your perspective on life. Let go. Thats your greatest asset.
15. kesäk. 2021 - 14 min
episode Slow Down Podcast #14 (ENG): Heart Chakra Prayer - Follow Up | Part 2 artwork
Slow Down Podcast #14 (ENG): Heart Chakra Prayer - Follow Up | Part 2
This is part 2 of the follow up on podcast #12 „Heart Chakra Prayer“. A line by line commentary on this prayer to remind yourself on loving yourself and others alike, and accepting things as they are. If you are in pain, feeling fear, unworthiness or if you are holding a grudge towards yourself or others: try to practice this little "prayer" as a reminder for yourself. There is always something you can do. You might not be able to change the circumstances of life but you can always work on yourself and your perspective on life. Let go. Thats your greatest asset.
17. elok. 2020 - 12 min
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