Spread A Little Love AroundPodcast by American Family Living
American Family Living is a ministry in Orange County, California dedicated to strengthening the foundation of the family, through Judeo Christian values, with tools to heal, grow, and mature in love. We have been fighting for the preservation and healing of America's families for 33 years. Jene and Evie and Steve and Kathy are the hosts. Helping you to discover how to build you're relationship with Christ, so you can have the best family of love and unity. May God bless you is our prayer. For more information about the services and events that we have to offer, such as the Joy of Living Bible Study, Couples Valentine Weekend, Premarital Counseling, Financial Counseling, or the Spread A Little Love Around radio program, please call (714) 637-7900, or visit our website, www.americanfamilyliving.com. Thank you for making Jesus number one in your life!
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