Tin House Studio Photography Podcast
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Tin House Studio Photography Podcast

Podcast by Tin House Studio

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In this weeks episode I sit down with photography and video editor Rob Gurney as we discuss all things commercial photography in the UK as well as talking about the future of photography with the changes in AI. 

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Kaikki jaksot

14 jaksot
episode Nude Photographers, More Godox Hate and Big AI Changes artwork
Nude Photographers, More Godox Hate and Big AI Changes

Big thanks to todays sponsors Fujifilm https://fujifilm-x.com/en-gb/ [https://fujifilm-x.com/en-gb/] And Studio Access https://tinhouse-studio.com/ [https://tinhouse-studio.com/studio-access/] This week we discuss nude photography, my hatred for Godox, how AI is changing in photography, my portrait fujifilm set up, the time is money fallacy, Studio Access and the rise of TTL flash. You can find me on; Instagram https://www.instagram.com/scottchoucino/ [https://www.instagram.com/scottchoucino/] Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/18930 [https://www.facebook.com/groups/18930].. [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDVweXVDV1dSRXdoODEwemx4a0ZPN3NuU3JnZ3xBQ3Jtc0trNkF1X3hnZUE5SzRNcXhrQ3lKOFhDYWd4aVBfWXFNTzdmNUluTnpVQzR6QTUycm56YVh2Tm1acmVwZWZvbkljWWhPVlRPaEV4V3ZXb0p3UTBuOFR6WUYwd19yUXB2WTlyYnMtdEIwbDBROTFLbG1vQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2F18930..&v=6gt__FS_ydg]. Tin House Website and WORKSHOPS https://www.tinhouse-studio.com/ [https://www.tinhouse-studio.com/] My Commercial Workhttps:// [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblNYaDZ6RUZHWnpMVWFLTDRtSl94bHFEYTlUUXxBQ3Jtc0tuSTVWRVBncVl4Q0gwM0twV3hsYmw4M0VxNFZuRWdMZHpJNnVqYjdBelBJeEd3cHJjcktBa1hWWmhLSXpEU0FtVzZvZkdNTndEaHdiVVJhNWFOcWlhWTA4WlVhbjU5cWV4MkVjenhaOENrd2FIRjdvUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fscottchoucino.com%2F&v=6gt__FS_ydg]scottchoucino.com/ [http://scottchoucino.com/]

02. jouluk. 2024 - 44 min
episode Photographer REACTS to '`*JAGUAR*'` Ad, Best Gear Under £1K artwork
Photographer REACTS to '`*JAGUAR*'` Ad, Best Gear Under £1K

Welcome back to season two of the podcast thanks to our lovely sponsors MPB https://www.mpb.com/en-uk/?utm_source=scottchoucino&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=mar:uk|cam:change|sc:spon [https://www.mpb.com/en-uk/?utm_source=scottchoucino&utm_medium=website&utm_campaign=mar:uk|cam:change|sc:spon] This week is a bit of a catch up and letting you know what will be coming up over the next few months. We discuss great camera set ups for under a grand, recent ad campaigns where we shot photographs and video for commercial clients as well as roasting the communities work. You can find me on; Instagram https://www.instagram.com/scottchoucino/ [https://www.instagram.com/scottchoucino/] Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/18930 [https://www.facebook.com/groups/18930]... Tin House Website and WORKSHOPS https://www.tinhouse-studio.com/ [https://www.tinhouse-studio.com/] My Commercial Workhttps://scottchoucino.com/ [http://scottchoucino.com/]

28. marrask. 2024 - 49 min
episode Biggest Mistakes Photographers Make - Episode 12 artwork
Biggest Mistakes Photographers Make - Episode 12

This is the final episode of Season One. Season Two at this stage is not 100% going ahead and we discuss this in the video. There will at best be a short break before this begins due to workload even if we do find a podcast sponsor. This weeks episode discusses the way in which we see photographers making the biggest mistakes in their careers, the future of youtube and the podcast and what to expect for the rest of the year. You can find me on; Patreon https://www.patreon.com/tinhouse [https://www.patreon.com/tinhouse] Instagram https://www.instagram.com/scottchoucino/ [https://www.instagram.com/scottchoucino/] Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1893064874281393 [https://www.facebook.com/groups/1893064874281393] Tin House Website and WORKSHOPS https://www.tinhouse-studio.com/ [https://www.tinhouse-studio.com/]

02. syysk. 2024 - 41 min
episode Camera Theft + Girlfriend Telling You What Its Like Living with Photographers artwork
Camera Theft + Girlfriend Telling You What Its Like Living with Photographers

This week Rob Gurney and I are joined by my girlfriend Holly Bell who decided it was a good opportunity to list all of the negatives of living with a photographer. Patreon https://www.patreon.com/tinhouse [https://www.patreon.com/tinhouse] Instagram / scottchoucino [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1ItaGpvcU4zRjRRNF9JcXJnblg5dHVEd3R3QXxBQ3Jtc0tuRXlQNXlXQnhlbHpBb0FCMHlEczhWQ0g5QmdCcGJxdkx6WnItczI4NjJmbV9xbkNtZTlpNnZwNEtpQktpQ09ielVkZG05enJVXzhnR2xTZmQ5aHVmOVJ4V05BaU94RFdyekNsZFBINzdOeHNBVmdsQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fscottchoucino%2F&v=ibu61w9o094] Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1893064874281393 [https://www.facebook.com/groups/1893064874281393] Tin House Website and WORKSHOPS https://www.tinhouse-studio.com/ [https://www.tinhouse-studio.com/] My Commercial Workhttps:// [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa19ILUtQSnNjRlhZajJFbnJwUGV5Mm81OHRwUXxBQ3Jtc0ttNFFGa1c4ZDNNeC1RYkxXVUlfT1QxOGpMYWd2bS04ZTV0eVplNGp0UVFRb05jcHlRRG9GVm9FN2t1WG05Y2R1OTI2X09nLU1rb21RTzNydG1MTmVTSlpqUkw3MlUtUHBBU0NTSEd1TDB2djRNTVRQdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fscottchoucino.com%2F&v=ibu61w9o094]scottchoucino.com/ [http://scottchoucino.com/]

26. elok. 2024 - 56 min
episode Does The Lens REALLY Matter & Computers - Episode 10 artwork
Does The Lens REALLY Matter & Computers - Episode 10

In this episode, we tackle the age-old question: does the camera lens really matter? Plus, we discuss the best computers for photography editing. Tune in for all the tech talk! You can find me on; Instagram https://www.instagram.com/scottchoucino/ [https://www.instagram.com/scottchoucino/] Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/18930 [https://www.facebook.com/groups/18930]... Tin House Website and WORKSHOPS https://www.tinhouse-studio.com/ [https://www.tinhouse-studio.com/] My Commercial Workhttps://scottchoucino.com/ [http://scottchoucino.com/]

20. elok. 2024 - 54 min
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