Turning the Page

Turning the Page

Podcast by turningthepage

Empowering your Mental Health - Faith: Hope: Love with Barry Pearman

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episode A Comfort at Christmas artwork
A Comfort at Christmas

Christmas can have dark shadows, but what if God came close? God can provide a comfort at Christmas.    As I write this, I think of someone I know that has had a death in their family. It’s a loss, a grief, a tearing of relationship. Christmas. Will it be a place of comfort for them? There will be shadows. Memories and moments of grief. I am praying for them that they would sense a comfort at Christmas that passes beyond understanding. What’s Christmas like for you?   Read more here [https://turningthepage.co.nz/a-comfort-at-christmas/]  Contact Barry here [https://turningthepage.co.nz/contact-us/] Keep Turning the Page alive with a donation [https://turningthepage.co.nz/donate-now/]

18. jouluk. 2024 - 9 min
episode Hope and Mental Health artwork
Hope and Mental Health

Hope and mental health. They seem quite linked, but what helps them both to dance together well?   I recently had a picture pop into my head. It was a headstone, in a cemetery, and engraved into the old tired stone was the name of the deceased – Hope. Not a person’s name, but more the concept of hope. That things might get better. Hope had died, was buried, was gone, and had left the building. Read more here  [https://turningthepage.co.nz/hope-and-mental-health/] Contact Barry here [https://turningthepage.co.nz/contact-us/] Keep Turning the Page alive with a donation [https://turningthepage.co.nz/donate-now/]

04. jouluk. 2024 - 11 min
episode Better boundaries? artwork
Better boundaries?

You need better boundaries. How many have said this to you? How about a better knowing of yourself first? #boundaries [https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/boundaries] Better boundaries come from the inside out Three types of boundaries 1. Imposed boundaries. 2. Adopted boundaries. 3. Internalised Owned boundaries.   Read this post https://turningthepage.co.nz/better-boundaries/ [https://turningthepage.co.nz/better-boundaries/] 👁️‍🗨️  About Barry Pearman https://turningthepage.co.nz/about-ba... [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEZub1pqY3BGbVI1UU90QVp4MlFFSkQyZzBJZ3xBQ3Jtc0trOC1mbjV5SWRpcjJBQmJIbWFxN1F3MTA4OEQ4aTNqWHVhV2Z1MXFLamVudmMxaVU0SUlwNzhUS3FLaFVyZnFVRExSbWNRaEVYVjcwTERvenQxZ2ZMbE1XLVZ4b0JULTgyV0Qtc1hvY3g3eFF6b3JDWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fturningthepage.co.nz%2Fabout-barry-pearman%2F&v=pv75mEESyYc] ✉️ Contact Barry Direct https://turningthepage.co.nz/contact-us/ [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0hJVGFzc1lJVk1rWDUtdXNDZXZoRlp5cXZ0Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuRUQ5NTYwQV9UTGxud1dVN1hEdjBmSXlGTXNvNjNDVkNVeV92UnRjZkJiY2dfRnZrWHVVdlVkX2hqajBCeDllR1poVHExaWtGV0JCdkJoMWRFeG9BTHRpWldqblA4ZVo1MDVRYXlNZERYbXYtN2VrTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fturningthepage.co.nz%2Fcontact-us%2F&v=pv75mEESyYc] 👉Donate to Turning the Page https://turningthepage.co.nz/give/ [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWQzUHpUbW8xNU8zVmpFS2FHc0ZQVU9lRlR5QXxBQ3Jtc0ttRjgxVFF2WjdvRDRrVlpGaFZGS2UtZkdKRG1zcjI0a1IycmNWN2Y4dXdyYzhvb0dvLXpIM2twd3ZWVUV3S3RQOVNiV0t0VTJCUi1Hb2lTZzVjZnVNeXVmb1d1b0xqSjJvYVNld1VuSFNNSDM4bFZubw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fturningthepage.co.nz%2Fgive%2F&v=pv75mEESyYc]

27. marrask. 2024 - 17 min
episode I want to stir you up. artwork
I want to stir you up.

I want to stir you up. Not to stir up anger or trouble. Actually, quite the opposite, but to love and good works. So often I hear in people a tiredness, a lethargy, even a complete deadness to something that sits resident within their souls. Maybe they have been put down, criticised, mocked, or ignored. They might have shared something deep, but it wasn’t listened to well.   Read more here [https://turningthepage.co.nz/i-want-to-stir-you-up/] Send me an email barry@turningthepage.co.nz [barry@turningthepage.co.nz] Give a donation of $3US  [https://turningthepage.co.nz/donate-now/]

22. marrask. 2024 - 10 min
episode Unburdened From What Has Been artwork
Unburdened From What Has Been

We carry so much load, but what if we were unburdened? Perhaps the donkey might learn to dance light and free.   It's an image that tells a story. The story of a heavy laden down camel carrying a load of straw and the little proverb 'the final straw that broke the camel's back' It's the load. The burden. It's the feather. The weight, awkwardness, and struggle that eventually takes one out. What are you carrying? What weighs upon your thinking and bends upon your back?   Read this post https://turningthepage.co.nz/unburdened-from-what-has-been/ [https://turningthepage.co.nz/unburdened-from-what-has-been/] 👁️‍🗨️ About Barry Pearman https://turningthepage.co.nz/about-barry-pearman/ [https://turningthepage.co.nz/about-barry-pearman/]   Posts about Forgiveness https://turningthepage.co.nz/forgiveness-and-mental-health/ [https://turningthepage.co.nz/forgiveness-and-mental-health/] ✉️ Contact Barry Direct https://turningthepage.co.nz/contact-us/ [https://turningthepage.co.nz/contact-us/] 👉Donate to Turning the Page https://turningthepage.co.nz/give/ [https://turningthepage.co.nz/give/]

13. marrask. 2024 - 10 min
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