Twisted Podcast
Podcast by John W. Taylor
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Kaikki jaksot
203 jaksotPart 1 of 2. Alison Duiker's mother, Lonnie Rogers, went missing in 1981. Alison still doesn’t have answers to what happened to her mom or where she is.
Robert Parmer of The Broken System Podcast discusses the murder of Amber Spradlin.
We will be delving into the complicated and conspiratorial aspects of Stanley Kubrick's work and his death.
The CIA needed to figure out how our enemies brainwashed people. There was no rule, law, or moral code they would not break to 'protect' us from the evils of others. The conducted their work under the super secret project: "MK Ultra."
Part 5 of 5. Elizabeth Holmes created the hugely publicized blood-testing company, Theranos. Her inventions put her on the cover of magazines. However, it was all a fraud.
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