Very Bad Wizards
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Very Bad Wizards

Podcast by Tamler Sommers & David Pizarro

Very Bad Wizards is a podcast featuring a philosopher (Tamler Sommers) and a psychologist (David Pizarro), who share a love for ethics, pop culture, and cognitive science, and who have a marked inability to distinguish sacred from profane. Each podcast includes discussions of moral philosophy, recent work on moral psychology and neuroscience, and the overlap between the two. 

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Kaikki jaksot

295 jaksot
episode Episode 291: Shoe Shining artwork
Episode 291: Shoe Shining
Cornell philosopher David Shoemaker joins us for a long winding journey up to the Overlook Hotel, a DEEP dive on Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining. We tackle all the big questions - is the hotel truly haunted? What if anything does it symbolize? Why are there two Gradys and two sets of daughters?  How does the filmmaking – and the Steadicam in particular - amplify our sense of dread?  Does Jack shine too? How does he get out of the storage closet? Is Shelly Duval’s performance actually brilliant? What the fuck is up with Bill? Should the Overlook have included a land acknowledgment? And lots more. Come listen to us, forever and ever and ever…. David Shoemaker's website [] [] Wisecracks by David Shoemaker [] [ afilliate link] Review of Wisecracks by Kieran Setiya [] [] The Shining [] []
27. elok. 2024 - 2 h 12 min
episode Episode 290: Blinded by the Light (Plato's Cave Pt. 2) artwork
Episode 290: Blinded by the Light (Plato's Cave Pt. 2)
David and Tamler continue their discussion of Plato’s allegory of the cave. We talk about the connections with mystical traditions including Gnosticism, Sufism, and Buddhist paths to awakening. We also dig deeper into what Socrates calls ‘dialectic’ – what allows this method to journey towards the first principle (the Form of the Good) and then double back to justify the initial assumptions made at the start? And if only philosophers can embark on this journey, why does everyone think of them as useless and corrupt?  Plus we look at some research that attempts to provide empirical support for ‘terror management theory’ which makes us yearn for the unfalsifiability of Ernest Becker’s The Denial of Death. Links Schimel, J., Hayes, J., Williams, T., & Jahrig, J. (2007). Is death really the worm at the core? Converging evidence that worldview threat increases death-thought accessibility. Journal of personality and social psychology, 92(5), 789. [] [] Many Labs 4: Failure to replicate Mortality Salience Effect With and Without Original Author Involvement  [][] Neoplatonism [] [] Neoplatonism and Gnosticism [] [] Plato's Unwritten Doctrines [] []
06. elok. 2024 - 1 h 37 min
episode Episode 289: Shadows on the Wall (Plato's Cave Pt. 1) artwork
Episode 289: Shadows on the Wall (Plato's Cave Pt. 1)
Over the years we’ve referred repeatedly to Plato’s cave, Platonic forms, and phrases like “copies of copies” without ever really explaining what we mean by these things. So as part of a new mini-series we’re going dive deeper into Plato’s famous images of the cave, the sun, and the divided line from Republic Books 6 and 7. What are Plato’s forms and how do they fit into the overall structure of his most famous dialogue? How does the form of the good relate to the other forms? What are the mystical elements of the cave metaphor? (Note: this is part one of a two-part discussion). Plus, if we could go back in time and give one piece of professional advice to a younger version of ourselves, what would that be? Plato's allegory of the cave [] (this has a couple of useful illustrations) [ []] Republic (Hackett Classics) translated by G.M.A. Grube [] [ [] affiliate link] (you can get full text PDF files of Plato's Republic for free all over the internet, but this is the version we're using) Let us know where we should hold our 300th episode listener meet-up [] [ []]
23. heinäk. 2024 - 1 h 12 min
episode Episode 288: The Despised Foot (The Denial of Death Pt. 2) artwork
Episode 288: The Despised Foot (The Denial of Death Pt. 2)
David and Tamler conclude their discussion of Ernest Becker’s The Denial of Death. We talk about Becker’s philosophy of science (does he have one?), his sweeping explanations for strongman leaders, neuroses, mental illness, sexual fetishes, and the refreshing absence of an answer or resolution to the existential paradox at the heart of being human. Plus, a special Pod Save the Wizards intro - we have a political gabfest about Biden, the infamous debate, Kamala Harris, and more… The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker [] [ affiliate link] The Denial of Death [] [] Let us know where we should hold our 300th episode listener meet-up [] []
09. heinäk. 2024 - 1 h 30 min
episode Episode 287: Gods With Anuses (The Denial of Death Pt. 1) artwork
Episode 287: Gods With Anuses (The Denial of Death Pt. 1)
David faces his greatest fear as he and Tamler dive into Ernest Becker’s 1973 Pulitzer Prize winner The Denial of Death. Blending existentialist ideas within a psychoanalytic framework, Becker argues that the ultimate source of human motivation is not the repression of sexual drives (as Freud thought) but our terror of death and the yearning for an immortality we can never possess. This episode focuses on Part One of Becker’s book, and we’ll conclude the discussion in the next episode. Plus are gun owners really dissatisfied with their penis size? We look at the numbers. Hill, T. D., Zeng, L., Burdette, A. M., Dowd-Arrow, B., Bartkowski, J. P., & Ellison, C. G. (2024). Size matters? Penis dissatisfaction and gun ownership in America. [] American journal of men's health, 18(3), 15579883241255830. The Denial of Death by Ernest Becker [] [ affiliate link] The Denial of Death [] [] Let us know where we should hold our 300th episode listener meet-up [] []
25. kesäk. 2024 - 1 h 31 min
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