Winds of Change Show

Winds of Change Show

Podcast by Fr. Anthony Buś

Father Anthony seeks to bring the true Catholic faith into hearts through his words and experiences. The Show points to the negative trends of today’s...

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episode Episode #4578 – Prayer in the Season of Lent artwork
Episode #4578 – Prayer in the Season of Lent

Fr. Anthony with Tony, and Cristina discuss the season of Lent, today, with a focus on prayer. Using a little book, “Bible Basics for Catholics”, Father begins his focus on prayer during Lent, laying the ground work with a look at the word ‘covenenat’; what is a covenant?  He continues with introducing the Five Dispositions of Prayer.  Join Father Anthony through the Season of Lent as we focus on prayer to nurture our relationship with God and hopefully grow in our intimacy with Him.  St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish []

Eilen - 59 min
episode Episode #4577 – Season of Lent: We’re in the Desert with Jesus artwork
Episode #4577 – Season of Lent: We’re in the Desert with Jesus

Lauretta host today with a potpourri of items to discuss. She tells us about the latest HotSpot of Syria experiencing clashes with reported civilian casualties, 143 confirmed fatalities. Then she focuses on Lent sharing the 3 Pillars of Lent: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.  She breaks down the fasting requirements and heeds us to use common sense above all for the elderly and the young-taking the opportunity to invite the young to join in fasting and use it as a teaching moment. Lauretta shares activities that we can participate in during Lent and directs us to check church bulletins for those near us and encourages us to become closer to God during Lent. She ends the show with a list of government spending that was sent by the Federal Government.

10. maalisk. 2025 - 58 min
episode Episode #4576 – Ash Wednesday Mass: ALWAYS Packed; Why? artwork
Episode #4576 – Ash Wednesday Mass: ALWAYS Packed; Why?

Fr. Anthony with Tony, and Cristina discuss the season of Lent.  Share their observations of the morning and evening masses of Ash Wednesday, which were both very well attended, actually very crowded! Why is this mass the most packed of the year?  They share their theories as to why that is….Father leads us in prayer, especially for the Pope, recognizing that as we pray for him, we are praying for the church. After prayer, Father revisits the question of Atheism and shares history and the evolution of lent and the origin of the word ‘lent” itself. Central focus of Lent is fasting, why is that?  St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish []

06. maalisk. 2025 - 57 min
episode Episode # 4575 – Season of Lent Begins Today artwork
Episode # 4575 – Season of Lent Begins Today

Welcome to a Brain Wrinkling Wednesday with Fr. Tom Koys.  Today he reminds us that while Lent is a season of foregoing, giving something up…to do so in the right attitude is to give up something beautiful of the world so you can go back to enjoying it after Easter.  Foregoing in the proper spirit should be a way to prepare yourself for something better: namely Jesus. St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish []

05. maalisk. 2025 - 1 h 0 min
episode Episode #4574 – Fat Tuesday-Paczki Day artwork
Episode #4574 – Fat Tuesday-Paczki Day

Today is Fat Tuesday, otherwise known as Paczki Day (pronounced “puhnch-kee’: is a Polish pastry). Get one before giving up sweets for lent! Today Fr. Anthony with Tony, and Cristina catch up on what’s going on at the parish, the school, the world, offering ongoing prayers for Pope Francis. After prayer, Father revisits the readings from this past Sunday and leads us into conversation regarding the warnings that are being raised about the state of our world, climate, society, religion and the church.  Are we at Armageddon?  St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish []

05. maalisk. 2025 - 58 min
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