Confident Business English
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Confident Business English

Podcast de Anna Connelly

Confident Business English host and accredited Neurolanguage Coach® Anna Connelly brings international senior managers practical business English tips to boost confidence and improve communication. 

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Todos los episodios

239 episodios
episode Little Snippet #10 4 Strategies When You're Lost in a Business Conversation in English artwork
Little Snippet #10 4 Strategies When You're Lost in a Business Conversation in English
Imagine you miss something in a business conversation in English. You feel lost and you know you need to say something. What are the best ways to handle this? Here are my 4 top strategies to deal with this.  Say hello on LinkedIn @AnnaConnelly Follow me on Instagram @annabusinessenglish Say hello on LinkedIn @AnnaConnelly Follow me on Instagram @annabusinessenglish
Ayer - 3 min
episode Little Snippet #9 Mindset Tips for Speaking English — Overcoming My Fear artwork
Little Snippet #9 Mindset Tips for Speaking English — Overcoming My Fear
What's your biggest fear? This year I've started to work on all the fears I've been putting off. I thought you might find it useful to hear my key takeaways and how you could apply this to your situation about building confidence speaking.  Advanced vocabulary you will hear: * To get a grip * To be clunky * A baptism of fire * To jump into the deep end * To get something done * To get yourself out of a rut Say hello on LinkedIn @AnnaConnelly Follow me on Instagram @annabusinessenglish
02 sep 2024 - 5 min
episode Little Snippet #8 Easy Trick for Spelling Difficult Business English Words artwork
Little Snippet #8 Easy Trick for Spelling Difficult Business English Words
Imagine you have to quickly write down a difficult business english word in a meeting. Or maybe a name or email address. Do you struggle to tell the difference between I and E? Here's an easy spelling trick I share with all students that find this hard. They tell me it works great so I want to share it with you too.  Say hello on LinkedIn @AnnaConnelly Follow me on Instagram @annabusinessenglish
30 ago 2024 - 38 s
episode Little Snippet #7 Best Ways to Invite a New Colleague for Coffee - Natural Business English Phrases artwork
Little Snippet #7 Best Ways to Invite a New Colleague for Coffee - Natural Business English Phrases
Imagine you start working in a new company. You meet another senior manager and you want to invite them for a coffee and find out more about what they do. What are the best ways to do this? I share with you 3 natural business English phrases used by native speakers. This snippet was inspired by a recent question from a client. Advanced vocabulary breakdown: * To put someone on the spot - force someone into a difficult or awkward situation,like saying yes or not to something. * It would be great to.. * To grab/get a coffee * At somepoint Are you starting a new job where you will be using your English communication? Say hello on LinkedIn [] and let me know. It would be great to hear from you.   Say hello on LinkedIn @AnnaConnelly Follow me on Instagram @annabusinessenglish
28 ago 2024 - 3 min
episode Little Snippet #6 Advanced Project Vocabulary In Meetings With Native Speakers artwork
Little Snippet #6 Advanced Project Vocabulary In Meetings With Native Speakers
When you have meetings with native speakers, do you find it hard to understand all the business English? Today I'll  share with you 3 pieces of more advanced project vocabulary that might hear in your next project meeting with native speakers.     Say hello on LinkedIn @AnnaConnelly Follow me on Instagram @annabusinessenglish
26 ago 2024 - 3 min
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