Birth Heals
Podcast gratuito

Birth Heals

Podcast de Krista Bella, Rachel & Sabine

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Birth Heals. A podcast devoted to honoring the profound impact normal physiological birth has on women and humanity. Here we illuminate the inherent gifts of autonomous birth and we breathe life into the underground network of women working to restore birth as the central healing force on the planet. We speak to the old ways by placing women’s wisdom back in the center of the conversation; back to the focal point of the birth room, where her physiology, hormones, and animal body lead the way to spontaneous, powerful birth experiences. We merge story, science and magic as we work to shape a reality where women are held in their true nature: the gatekeepers of LIFE, the guardians of wisdom, the proliferators of peace. We’re so excited to share this space with all of you! 

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19 episodios
episode "Am I crazy or is this normal in birth??" Bombing of the taboo: Mental Health and Birth artwork
"Am I crazy or is this normal in birth??" Bombing of the taboo: Mental Health and Birth
Today’s episode is a bombing of the taboo: Mental Health and Birth. We want to bring the conversation out into the light: why do some women go “crazy” during birth? How do we collectively hold space, and also demonize, the experience of loss of control? How do our trauma responses and inherited programs play out when we meet our limits, go over our edges or can’t cope with the pressure? This is a super nuanced and sensitive subject, with this episode probably being one of many we release around the brain + body + spirit process that is Birth.
26 ene 2022 - 45 min
episode Ep. 18 - Safety is the key to freedom - and our 1st year anniversary artwork
Ep. 18 - Safety is the key to freedom - and our 1st year anniversary
We’re back! After a long summer holiday we’re back on air to celebrate the one year anniversary of the Birth Heals Podcast! We thought we’d go full circle and explore the theme that started it all... Free Birth. Little did we know we’d cover everything from personal responsibility, the shadow side of modern medicine, testicular exams, the essence of freedom and the powerful outcomes of women choosing to stay home and birth their babies on their own terms. This episode is fierce and deep and a loving dedication to all the women on the planet.
26 oct 2021 - 42 min
episode Ep. 17 - Body-Based Consent - a moment to moment engagement with our instincts and life artwork
Ep. 17 - Body-Based Consent - a moment to moment engagement with our instincts and life
Does your body really consent? In this week’s episode we unpack consent from the inner perspective of our instinctual bodies and also, and even deeper, our cervixes. What does TRUE consent feel like in our bodies? What does passive consent typically look like in industrial birth settings— and how and why are we allowing things to happen to us, despite our bodies giving a clear no? We take this conversation from the micro to the macrocosm, tying together our sense of worthiness and our ability to create boundaries / give voice to our needs as crucial components in honoring our bodies and giving TRUE consent in every moment.
16 jun 2021 - 44 min
episode Ep. 16 - No birth is an island - the expected and the taboos in relations in birth artwork
Ep. 16 - No birth is an island - the expected and the taboos in relations in birth
Birth is a relational event. Who do you want at your birth? How do you know who to invite? What qualities make you feel safest and most supported? Today we chat about the expected and the taboo, and everything in between when it comes to assembling your birth team.
31 may 2021 - 46 min
episode Ep.15 - Pain, pleasure and cervical wisdom artwork
Ep.15 - Pain, pleasure and cervical wisdom
Pain, pleasure and cervical wisdom ~ today we talk about pain as a gateway and the way pleasure takes many shapes and forms during birth. We discuss the almighty portal deep within us: the Cervix, and how creating relationship with this power center is quite possibly one of the best ways to prepare for birth.
07 may 2021 - 58 min

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Muy buenos Podcasts , entretenido y con historias educativas y divertidas depende de lo que cada uno busque. Yo lo suelo usar en el trabajo ya que estoy muchas horas y necesito cancelar el ruido de al rededor , Auriculares y a disfrutar ..!!
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