Brains On! Science podcast for kids
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Brains On! Science podcast for kids

Podcast de American Public Media

Brains On!® is a science podcast for curious kids and adults from American Public Media. Each week, a different kid co-host joins Molly Bloom to find answers to fascinating questions about the world sent in by listeners. Like, do dogs know they’re dogs? Or, why do feet stink? Plus, we have mystery sounds for you to guess, songs for you to dance to, and lots of facts -- all checked by experts. 

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Todos los episodios

348 episodios
episode Why do some of us have food allergies? artwork
Why do some of us have food allergies?
About 1 out of 13 kids has a food allergy. Some are allergic to peanuts, others can’t eat dairy or shellfish or – you name it! So, why do some of us have food allergies and others don’t? Join Molly and co-host Gemma as they learn all about food allergies. First, they’ll explore the immune system, the tiny army inside our bodies that fights off things that can make us sick. Turns out, these fighter cells sometimes think certain foods are a threat! Then they’ll chat with Dr. Adora Lin about why some people are allergic to certain foods and others aren’t — and visit a cafeteria to hear from kids with food allergies! Plus, a new mystery sound you won’t want to miss. Subscribe to Smarty Pass [] for ad-free feeds, bonus episodes, and ticket discounts! Today’s episode is sponsored by: - [] - Receive a $75 sponsored job credit with code brainson - Help your kids learn to earn, save, spend wisely, and invest with Greenlight, the debit card and money app for teens. Visit []. []
10 sep 2024 - 32 min
episode Why do some people need glasses? artwork
Why do some people need glasses?
Eyes are incredible. But sometimes they need a little help to see clearly. Enter: glasses! In this episode, we'll hear how eyes take in light and paint a picture of the world around us. We'll take a peek inside the eye to see why sometimes vision can be blurry and how glasses help. Then, we'll learn all about eye exams with a visit to the eye doctor! All that, plus a brand new mystery sound! Subscribe to Smarty Pass [] for ad-free feeds, bonus episodes, and ticket discounts! Today’s episode is sponsored by: - [] - Receive a $75 sponsored job credit with code brainson - Help your kids learn to earn, save, spend wisely, and invest with Greenlight, the debit card and money app for teens. Visit []. []
03 sep 2024 - 29 min
episode How do we name things in space? The quest to name a quasi-moon! artwork
How do we name things in space? The quest to name a quasi-moon!
Have you ever wondered how things in space get their names? Us, too! In this week’s episode, Molly and co-host Cassie hear the story of a funky little moon with a very strange name. It all started when Radiolab [] co-host Latif Nasser noticed something unusual on his son’s map of the solar system: a moon next to Venus called Zoozve. He’d never heard of Venus having a moon – and he’d definitely never heard of a moon named Zoozve. So, he called up his friend at NASA, and a wild space quest began! Plus, Latif will share how YOU can enter a contest to name one of Earth’s quasi-moons. And of course, a new mystery sound that we’re really mooning over! See the quasi-moon’s orbit here! [] Featured experts: Radiolab [] co-host and host and executive producer of Connected: The Hidden Science of Everything [], Latif Nasser. Resources: Learn more about the Name a Quasi-Moon! contest at [] — and submit your own idea! Subscribe to Smarty Pass [] for ad-free feeds, bonus episodes, and ticket discounts! Today’s episode is sponsored by: - [] - Receive a $75 sponsored job credit with code brainson - Greenlight - Help your kids learn to earn, save, spend wisely, and invest with Greenlight, the debit card and money app for teens. Visit
20 ago 2024 - 36 min
episode Smarty Pass Sneak Peek: SPORTSBALL Impression Sound artwork
Smarty Pass Sneak Peek: SPORTSBALL Impression Sound
Smash Boom Best producers Rosie duPont and Aron Woldeslassie are a little early for the BIG game. Looking to kill some time they decide to play Impression Sound. Just like the great Brains On game Mystery Sound, Impression Sound has players guessing sounds. BUT unlike Mystery Sound, Aron and Rosie will be making the sounds with their mouths -- like an impression. Hence the very appropriate name for this game: Impression Sound!
16 ago 2024 - 1 min
episode Phones: The fun, the annoying and the confusing artwork
Phones: The fun, the annoying and the confusing
Ping! Another episode of Brains On just dropped! And it’s all about phones: how they help us, why they’re so hard to put down – and how to have a balanced relationship with them. In this episode, Molly and co-host Linden do a deep dive on phone use. They’ll chat with an expert about whether screens are bad for us and hear from some teenagers about how they really feel about their phones! Meanwhile, Marc takes his camels Humpty and Dumpty to a phone-free picnic, and Dwayne the Brain demonstrates the powerful connection between phones and dopamine. All that, plus a stumper of a mystery sound! We’ve been thinking about our phones a lot here at Brains On – so we started this new thing called Analog August, a month-long campaign to unplug our phones and get out in the world. If this episode inspires, we hope you and your family will join in the fun, and do your best to use your phones less! Parents can attend our virtual event [] about kids and phones on Thursday, August 15th from 12pm PT / 2pm CT / 3pm ET and sign up for our newsletter [] of ideas for phone-free adventures and tips on finding a healthy screen-life balance. Read more here. [] Featured experts: Julia Storm [] is a digital wellness specialist, educator, and advocate. She helps families work through issues around tech. Jacqueline Nesi [] is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at Brown University and a Clinical Psychologist at Rhode Island Hospital. She specializes in issues affecting kids and teens. Subscribe to Smarty Pass [] for ad-free feeds, bonus episodes, and ticket discounts! Today’s episode is sponsored by: - [] - Receive a $75 sponsored job credit with code brainson
13 ago 2024 - 39 min
Muy buenos Podcasts , entretenido y con historias educativas y divertidas depende de lo que cada uno busque. Yo lo suelo usar en el trabajo ya que estoy muchas horas y necesito cancelar el ruido de al rededor , Auriculares y a disfrutar ..!!
Fantástica aplicación. Yo solo uso los podcast. Por un precio módico los tienes variados y cada vez más.
Me encanta la app, concentra los mejores podcast y bueno ya era ora de pagarles a todos estos creadores de contenido

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