Ed Tech: If you didn't know, now you know.
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Ed Tech: If you didn't know, now you know.

Podcast de SDCOE- Ed Tech (Alicia Gallegos Butters, Michanne Hoctor Thompson, Pamela Rabin)

The pandemic changed the way many teachers engaged with learning technologies. In this podcast we try to filter out the clutter and noise around technology tools and focus on revisiting essential questions of pedagogy that drive meaningful learning experiences. Each season we explore a new professional text. Our podcast series will be chapter-based, reflective discussions between the San Diego County Office of Education Educational Technology team and our guests. Join Dr. Alicia Gallegos Butters, Dr. Michanne Hoctor Thompson, and Pamela Rabin for Ed Tech: If you didn't know, now you know. 

Este podcast se puede escuchar gratuitamente en todos las plataformas y en la app de Podimo sin necesidad de suscripción.

Todos los episodios

7 episodios
episode Episode 6: Made for Learning Series, Chapter 6- Conditions that Increase the Probability of Engagement artwork
Episode 6: Made for Learning Series, Chapter 6- Conditions that Increase the Probability of Engagement
Alicia Gallegos Butters, Michanne Hoctor, and Pamela Rabin discuss the chapter that takes student engagement deeper by exploring conditions that increase the probability of engagement. Specifically expectation, responsibility, employment, approximation, and response.  As well as discussing our thoughts on the concepts and questions raised by the authors, we also heavily view the chapter through the lens of educational technology which is our specialization.
13 jun 2022 - 17 min
episode Episode 5: Made for Learning Series, Chapter 5 - Engagement artwork
Episode 5: Made for Learning Series, Chapter 5 - Engagement
Alicia Gallegos Butters, Michanne Hoctor, and Pamela Rabin discuss the chapter on student engagement. As well as discussing our thoughts on the concepts and questions raised by the authors, we also view the chapter through the lens of educational technology.
29 mar 2022 - 27 min
episode Bonus Episode with Authors, Debra Crouch & Brian Cambourne artwork
Bonus Episode with Authors, Debra Crouch & Brian Cambourne
Jump into a discussion with authors, Debra Crouch & Brian Cambourne, plus special guests, Cherissa Kreider-Beck, and publisher, Richard Owen! We discuss how they came to write the book, the connections between the Conditions of Learning and how teachers make instructional decisions, engagement, and more! Don't forget to pick up a copy of Made for Learning: How the Conditions of Learning Guide Teaching Decisions [https://rcowen.com/made-for-learning/] ***There was a strange echo in the first 7 minutes, but hang in there, we made it stop for the rest of the episode. EdTech = it's a journey! 😀
09 feb 2022 - 35 min
episode Episode 4: Made for Learning Series, Chapter 4 - Immersion & Demonstration artwork
Episode 4: Made for Learning Series, Chapter 4 - Immersion & Demonstration
Join Alicia Gallegos Butters and Pamela Rabin in a discussion about this chapter of the book, and how we see comparisons within the world of Educational Technology.
29 oct 2021 - 16 min
episode Episode 3: Made for Learning Series, Chapter 3 - Introduction to the Conditions for Learning artwork
Episode 3: Made for Learning Series, Chapter 3 - Introduction to the Conditions for Learning
In this episode we are joined by our colleague Cherissa Kreider-Beck, Coordinator, English Language Arts in the Learning & Leadership Services division at the San Diego County Office of Education. Alicia Gallegos Butters and Michanne Hoctor Thompson discuss their thoughts on the chapter and hear from Cherissa's unique perspective.
05 oct 2021 - 18 min
Muy buenos Podcasts , entretenido y con historias educativas y divertidas depende de lo que cada uno busque. Yo lo suelo usar en el trabajo ya que estoy muchas horas y necesito cancelar el ruido de al rededor , Auriculares y a disfrutar ..!!
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