Father Wants Us Dead
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Father Wants Us Dead

Podcast de NJ.com

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In 1971, a mild-mannered accountant and Sunday school teacher from New Jersey named John List murders his wife, mother and three children — only to disappear and begin a new life entirely on the other side of the country. Now, two veteran journalists go inside the mind of the killer, learn about the doomed family, and revisit the 18-year-quest to bring List to justice — a saga even more bizarre and twisted than ever previously reported. 

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14 episodios
episode BONUS: The Watcher artwork
BONUS: The Watcher
The real story of The Watcher, Westfield’s other boogeyman, whose mysterious letters inspired the hit Netflix series. ------- 'Father Wants Us Dead' is a serial investigative true crime podcast from NJ.com and The Star-Ledger about John List, the accountant and Sunday school teacher who killed his mother, wife and three kids in their Westfield, New Jersey mansion 50 years ago. John List left behind a confession letter, explaining why what he'd done was right, and disappeared to start a whole new life, eluding authorities for nearly two decades. The loss of those innocent lives, the horror and the fear, forever scarred this quiet New Jersey community. For more about the show or to see photos of the List family and the crime scene, visit www.fatherwantsusdead.com. Check out Reeves Weideman's New York Magazine article from 2018 [https://www.thecut.com/article/the-haunting-of-657-boulevard-in-westfield-new-jersey.html] and his most recent update to the story. [https://www.thecut.com/2022/10/the-watcher-657-boulevard-update.html] Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices [https://megaphone.fm/adchoices]
02 nov 2022 - 47 min
episode BONUS: Pulling back the curtain artwork
BONUS: Pulling back the curtain
The hosts take you behind the scenes of the creation of the “Father Wants Us Dead” podcast and discuss never-before-heard interviews and outtakes from the show. ------- 'Father Wants Us Dead' is a serial investigative true crime podcast from NJ.com and The Star-Ledger about John List, the accountant and Sunday school teacher who killed his mother, wife and three kids in their Westfield, New Jersey mansion 50 years ago. John List left behind a confession letter, explaining why what he'd done was right, and disappeared to start a whole new life, eluding authorities for nearly two decades. The loss of those innocent lives, the horror and the fear, forever scarred this quiet New Jersey community. For more about the show or to see photos of the List family and the crime scene, visit www.fatherwantsusdead.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices [https://megaphone.fm/adchoices]
19 jul 2022 - 33 min
episode BONUS: Postcards from the edge artwork
BONUS: Postcards from the edge
Our hosts answer your questions and reveal more surprising details from the cutting room floor. ------- 'Father Wants Us Dead' is a serial investigative true crime podcast from NJ.com and The Star-Ledger about John List, the accountant and Sunday school teacher who killed his mother, wife and three kids in their Westfield, New Jersey mansion 50 years ago. John List left behind a confession letter, explaining why what he'd done was right, and disappeared to start a whole new life, eluding authorities for nearly two decades. The loss of those innocent lives, the horror and the fear, forever scarred this quiet New Jersey community. For more about the show or to see photos of the List family and the crime scene, visit www.fatherwantsusdead.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices [https://megaphone.fm/adchoices]
05 jul 2022 - 34 min
episode A word about season one artwork
A word about season one
Our hosts have some exciting news in store for “Father Wants Us Dead” fans. ------- 'Father Wants Us Dead' is a serial investigative true crime podcast from NJ.com and The Star-Ledger about John List, the accountant and Sunday school teacher who killed his mother, wife and three kids in their Westfield, New Jersey mansion 50 years ago. John List left behind a confession letter, explaining why what he'd done was right, and disappeared to start a whole new life, eluding authorities for nearly two decades. The loss of those innocent lives, the horror and the fear, forever scarred this quiet New Jersey community. For more about the show or to see photos of the List family and the crime scene, visit www.fatherwantsusdead.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices [https://megaphone.fm/adchoices]
28 jun 2022 - 3 min
episode Episode 9: Sympathy for the devil artwork
Episode 9: Sympathy for the devil
50 years later, two reporters try to understand what drove John List to commit such atrocities — and the real cost. ------- 'Father Wants Us Dead' is a serial investigative true crime podcast from NJ.com and The Star-Ledger about John List, the accountant and Sunday school teacher who killed his mother, wife and three kids in their Westfield, New Jersey mansion 50 years ago. John List left behind a confession letter, explaining why what he'd done was right, and disappeared to start a whole new life, eluding authorities for nearly two decades. The loss of those innocent lives, the horror and the fear, forever scarred this quiet New Jersey community. New episodes will be released each Tuesday through June 21. For more about the show or to see photos of the List family and the crime scene, visit www.fatherwantsusdead.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices [https://megaphone.fm/adchoices]
21 jun 2022 - 44 min

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