Insight Myanmar
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Insight Myanmar

Podcast de Insight Myanmar Podcast

Insight Myanmar is a beacon for those seeking to understand the intricate dynamics of Myanmar. With a commitment to uncovering truth and fostering understanding, the podcast brings together activists, artists, leaders, monastics, and authors to share their first-hand experiences and insights. Each episode delves deep into the struggles, hopes, and resilience of the Burmese people, offering listeners a comprehensive, on-the-ground perspective of the nation's quest for democracy and freedom. And yet, Insight Myanmar is not just a platform for political discourse; it's a sanctuary for spiritual exploration. Our discussions intertwine the struggles for democracy with the deep-rooted meditation traditions of Myanmar, offering a holistic understanding of the nation. We delve into the rich spiritual heritage of the country, tracing the origins of global meditation and mindfulness movements to their roots in Burmese culture. Each episode is a journey through the vibrant landscape of Myanmar's quest for freedom, resilience, and spiritual riches. Join us on this enlightening journey as we amplify the voices that matter most in Myanmar's transformative era. 

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Todos los episodios

258 episodios
episode Spring University Myanmar artwork
Spring University Myanmar
Episode #246: Thura, co-founder of Spring University Myanmar (SUM), offers a poignant narrative of resilience and innovation in the face of tyranny. Following the 2021 coup, Myanmar's youth found themselves grappling with a reality where traditional education systems crumbled under the weight of military oppression. Thura's response was visionary: establishing an alternative educational platform that not only defies the junta but also sustains the spirit of learning and resistance. Spring University Myanmar has emerged as a vibrant beacon of hope, providing micro-credentials and diploma programs across diverse disciplines. By harnessing the power of digital and analog technologies, including innovative tools like the SUM box and radio lectures, the university transcends the barriers imposed by conflict. Thura's approach is rooted in the belief that education extends beyond classroom walls, fostering critical thinking, cultural appreciation, and active citizenship among Myanmar's youth. Despite the ever-present threat of military retaliation, Thura's commitment to safeguarding the identities of students and faculty underscores the delicate balance between defiance and survival. This endeavor not only educates but also cultivates a generation of informed and empowered individuals poised to rebuild a free Myanmar. Through Spring University Myanmar, Thura illuminates the path towards a future where knowledge becomes the cornerstone of resistance and renewal. “I've joined some of these faculty lectures, and damn, they are just so wonderful and full of passion, both in their subject material and their approach to teaching,” he says. “So beyond that political affiliation, and the affinity that comes with it, what really keeps the students coming back to SUM is that kind of quality of teaching.”
Ayer - 2 h 27 min
episode Barry Lapping artwork
Barry Lapping
Episode #245: Barry Lapping shares his spiritual odyssey from the turbulence of the Vietnam War era and counterculture movement, to the serene hills of Bodhgaya, India, to becoming a vipassana meditation teacher in western Massachusetts. His story begins with a chance encounter with a captivating magazine photo of a meditator in the mountains of New Mexico, which ignited his quest to find true happiness. His subsequent journey led him to try kibbutz life in Israel, before traveling overland through Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan to India, where he found his spiritual home at the Burmese Vihara in Bodhgaya. There, under the guidance of his first teacher, Munindra, and later S.N. Goenka, Barry delved deep into the practice of vipassana meditation. Barry highlights the essence of Goenka's teachings, which focus on the purification of the mind through a non-judgmental observation of physical sensation that leads to an experiential understanding of impermanence, suffering, and non-self. Despite initial struggles, Barry found profound transformation through this practice, which provided him with the tools to navigate the complexities of life with equanimity and wisdom. He has devoted his life to helping spread these teachings, and is now the Center teacher at Dhamma Dhara, in western Massachusetts. Barry’s story is a testament to the enduring power of meditation to bring about profound personal change and contribute to a more compassionate and understanding world.
22 jun 2024 - 2 h 27 min
episode Spirals and Snowballs artwork
Spirals and Snowballs
Episode #244: Matthew Arnold details the aftermath of Operation 1027, and how this has dramatically shifted the landscape of conflict in Myanmar. The junta's inability to maintain control, compounded by losing key territories, showcases a dramatic shift in power dynamics. Arnold emphasizes that the ceasefire brokered by China, although seemingly significant, is more a tactical pause than a strategic peace, driven by the junta's need to save face amid substantial defeats. The broader conflict is marked by a series of insurgencies and the junta's heavy reliance on violence against civilians, illustrating its desperation. Arnold points out that the junta's attempts to stabilize their rule through ceasefires often fail, revealing a pattern of transactional and insincere agreements meant to temporarily halt fighting rather than foster long-term political solutions. Arnold’s insights highlight the junta's eroding military capacity, strained logistics, and diminishing strategic depth. This scenario underscores a critical juncture where local resistance, ethnic alliances, and international diplomatic pressures converge, potentially leading to the junta's collapse and a reconfiguration of Myanmar's political landscape. Matthew Arnold concludes with a powerful message to those continuing on in the resistance movement: “The Myanmar people should take heart. This has been your revolution, you have been the ones who have pushed it, you've succeeded more than any other country has when confronted with a deeply entrenched, genocidal military, and one that is willing to use mass violence against the population. All of this has been through the determination and dedication of the Myanmar people.”
18 jun 2024 - 1 h 54 min
episode A River Runs Through It artwork
A River Runs Through It
Episode #243: Kenneth Wong, a Burmese language teacher and translator, visited Thailand to connect with compatriots who have sought refuge there due to the conflict in Myanmar. While he enjoyed his stay in Mae Sot, a town with a significant Burmese presence, he soon realized that it was quite different for Burmese refugees: after a fraught journey across the Moei River to avoid capture, the community is plagued by fear, extortion by local authorities and a lack of prospects that keep many from even leaving their house, let along learning Thai. Despite these challenges, a strong Burmese community persists in Mae Sot, with hopes of returning home after political change. Kenneth reflects on the plight of previous generations of activists who remained in exile without assimilating, limiting their ability to aid current movements. He also notes instances of Thai kindness toward Burmese workers against the backdrop of a complicated, historical relationship. At the end of the day, Kenneth is anything if not optimistic. “I'm hopeful that some of the activists and refugees I met, even though they are in a desperate situation with an uncertain future, they also turning around and helping people who are less fortunate, and helping people who arrive fresh off the boat as it were,” he says in closing. “I have nothing but admiration for them, for the fact that even though they are struggling, they seek reward in selfless acts. I think these are the people that in the post-coup Federal Union, the kind of democratic kind Burma that we envision, these are the kinds of young people who will lead to nation-rebuilding efforts. These are the kind of people who I hope could become a bridge to foster goodwill between Thailand and Burma, because if they go back, maybe they retain some fond memories of the good experiences that they've had in Thailand.”
11 jun 2024 - 1 h 40 min
episode The Borders of Conflict artwork
The Borders of Conflict
Episode #242: The situation at the Myanmar-India border exemplifies the intersection of regional geopolitics, ethnic dynamics, and national security concerns. Angshuman Choudhury, a policy analyst, emphasizes that the northeast region of India, with its proximity and historical ties to Myanmar, plays a pivotal role in India's strategic calculus. The border, stretching 1,640 kilometers, is not just a line on a map, but a space of significant ethnic and cultural interaction that impacts local and national policies. India's relationship with Myanmar is a pragmatic one, influenced by security concerns over insurgent groups finding refuge in Myanmar and the broader geopolitical landscape marked by China's growing influence. Choudhury notes that the Indian government’s Act East policy and investments in border infrastructure underscore an ambition to integrate its northeast region more closely with Southeast Asia, positioning it as a gateway to further economic and strategic opportunities. However, the influx of refugees from Myanmar following the coup in 2021 has complicated this goal, highlighting internal policy contradictions. Choudhury notes that while Mizoram's government has shown humanitarian support for refugees because of its ethnic ties and local sentiment, the federal government has taken a more cautious approach, revealing a tension between regional and national security priorities. In essence, Choudhury points out how the dynamics at the Myanmar-India border illustrate how local ethnic relations, national security policies, and international strategic interests converge, creating a complex tapestry that has both immediate and long-term implications for the region. “As far as Myanmar is concerned, there is almost an across the board consensus [in New Delhi] that ‘we've got to play safe.’ There is an understanding that we need political stability in Myanmar in order to ensure economic development and economic relationship with India, and also to prevent the spillover of the conflict into northeast India,” he says. “In fact, in that sense, there is a bipartisan consensus between India's ruling party and opposition parties over this issue.”
04 jun 2024 - 1 h 43 min
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