Inspire with Evin

Inspire with Evin

Podcast de Evin Azadi

Inspire with Evin is a podcast covering all topics from Business to Spiritual.

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5 episodios
episode #5 How to Live Your Best Life by 12 year old Surya artwork
#5 How to Live Your Best Life by 12 year old Surya

Get ready to be inspired by 12 year old Surya creating and living his best life by exploring everything he is curious about. Having FUN is the most important part of Life. Awaken your curiosity to find your passion and drive. He is already a Supporting Film Creator, Certified open water diver, Photographer, Chef, Black Belt in Karate and so much more. The Film: We are all Heroes Pirate Surf: Follow Surya for more inspiration on:

04 ene 2022 - 52 min
episode #4 Saving Horses and saving lives with Jen Hall artwork
#4 Saving Horses and saving lives with Jen Hall

In todays conversation we are talking about Saving horses and saving lives by directly connecting with the horses and Jen. Thank you for understanding sometimes the sound connection will be on and off due to live movements. How is your connection with animals? Do you connect with one animal more than others? Some animals such as dogs remind us about presence and joy and not holding on to anything in our past such as expectations and judgments, they are always excited when we come home. Or maybe you are more of a cat person or any other animals that you connect with. Personally, I love all animals but never had a special connection to any of them specifically until I met a horse called Love in Dubai earlier this year, 13th February 2021 to be specific and my whole life changed. From being afraid of them to completely surrendering to them and completely falling in love. Now did you know that horses are very inelegant and are also connected with for therapy and healing? In this episode Jen is talking about her experience with horses and also the horses retreats. Please feel free to connect with Jen Hall directly at the below link for further information and if you would like to connect with her horses:

25 oct 2021 - 56 min
episode #3 Outsourcing Parenting - Barry Lee Cummings artwork
#3 Outsourcing Parenting - Barry Lee Cummings

You are fully equipped to raise your child/children, despite all the challenges you face with technology becoming a even bigger part of our day to day life. In this episode I am discussing Outsourcing Parenting with returning guest Barry Lee Cummings. We return to the importance of being PRESENT with our children as this is one of the important key factors when they ask for our attention. If we don't give them the attention they need from us, social media will happily take over and keep them engaged with content for hours and hours. To better understand their world and their experiences we must engage with them and see things from their perspective. In recent years we are all spending more and more time online for both work and social. We are maybe spending more time on emails or LinkedIn for example for work purposes, however that shouldn't make us tell them TikTok, Snapchat or Instagram are a waste of time applications and they shouldn't use them. This is all based on our usage and interest. It is therefore better for us to spend some time seeing what content they are following or searching for to identify which of their needs that meets and see if there is anything we can do offline to meet that need. Try the challenge to say YES as often as possible when a child asks for your attention. They usually need your attention for a few seconds or minutes. See how that might change the quality of your relationship with them instead of saying 'wait I am busy with ....' Thank you for listening and speak with you again next week Have an awesome day Love and Blessings Evin

04 jul 2021 - 59 min
episode #2 Critical Thinking - Leila Vrhovac artwork
#2 Critical Thinking - Leila Vrhovac

In this episode I am having a conversation with Leila Vrhovac about the importance for each one us to think and decide what is best for ourselves right now when it comes to our health instead of following the overload of information and opinions all around us relating to COVID. In order for us to stay united we must respect and accept each others opinions on this journey and remember that there is NO RIGHT, WRONG, GOOD or BAD in the way we think or decide as long as we connect to our own inner truth and make the best decision in this moment based on what we know right now. Our health is our own responsibility and it is highly recommended to carry out all necessary research asking all the critical questions to gain as many facts as possible before making a decision. One of the most important and wise advisers for us is within us, it is therefore important to check in with our inner genius and heart to guide us towards the right decision. Since early 2020 the world as we know it has changed globally and we are all experiencing challenges we have not faced previously. It is critical to be kind to ourselves and others on this journey as our opinions and beliefs are constantly challenged and they may change from time to time. In this conversation we are also discussing how some of the rules & regulations the governments are implementing and recommending to the people don’t always make sense. We must think for ourselves and challenge any rules that promote an increase of fear and separation within our communities, family, friends and coworkers. Let’s chat more about how we can improve our mental, emotional and physical health by being happy together as ONE MIND and ONE HEART creating our new better world 🗺

07 jun 2021 - 1 h 39 min
episode Episode 1 - Barry Lee Cummings / Beat the Cyber Bully artwork
Episode 1 - Barry Lee Cummings / Beat the Cyber Bully

Todays converstaion is all about getting that first podcast started and the importance of being in the present moment with the people around us especially our children. Barry from beat the Cyber bully talking about overall digital safety and awareness for parent.

01 jun 2021 - 59 min
Muy buenos Podcasts , entretenido y con historias educativas y divertidas depende de lo que cada uno busque. Yo lo suelo usar en el trabajo ya que estoy muchas horas y necesito cancelar el ruido de al rededor , Auriculares y a disfrutar ..!!
Fantástica aplicación. Yo solo uso los podcast. Por un precio módico los tienes variados y cada vez más.
Me encanta la app, concentra los mejores podcast y bueno ya era ora de pagarles a todos estos creadores de contenido

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