Podcast de Frank_1ee

Let's LEARN ENGLISH.每周分享五个地道的英语习语,一首音乐,还有各种干货。欢迎提出批评和意见,有意加入电台请联系 Email:frank_1ee@icloud.com 或是微博:@Frank_1ee。

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11 episodios
episode #8:「音标」短元音[ ə],轻度卷舌音[ɚ],重度卷舌音 [ ɝ] artwork
#8:「音标」短元音[ ə],轻度卷舌音[ɚ],重度卷舌音 [ ɝ]

介绍: 短元音[ ə] 唇形:口腔半张,开口度与[e]相似,嘴唇扁平 舌形:舌身平放口中,舌尖抵下齿,注意肌肉要放松,听上去类似于汉语中轻音“了、的、么”中包含的韵母,但不要发成汉语的“饿”,因为这个元音永远是一个弱读音: 单词:china campus soda famous 句子:it is a book about China .这是一本介绍中国的书。 注意区别以下四组词: Bet but Deck duck Check chuck Jail angel 轻度卷舌音[ɚ] 唇形:与元音[ ə]一样,保持[ ə]的口型。 舌形:舌尖向上齿龈后面卷,类似于汉语中的儿化音 单词:better matter later forever 句子: better late than never. 晚做总比不做好。 重度卷舌音 [ ɝ] 与轻度卷舌音的一样,[ ɝ]的发音时间[ɚ相对于延长一倍就可以了。 单词:world early learn search 句子: the early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃? 早起的虫儿被鸟吃怎么说? 结尾音乐:Train--《Drops of Jupiter》 主播微博:小黑黑二

04 oct 2015 - 8 min
episode #9:「语音」3 tips for sounding like a native speaker artwork
#9:「语音」3 tips for sounding like a native speaker

视频 Youtube 链接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChZJ1Q3GSuI 视频文字稿: Hi again, welcome back to www.engvid.com. I'm Adam. Today, I'm going to help you sound a little bit more like a native speaker, hopefully. Students ask me all the time: "How can I sound like a native speaker?" Well, before I say anything, let me just tell you that it will take time and a lot, a lot, a lot of practice. The best way is to live in an English-speaking country, of course, but of course you can do it anywhere, but it takes time; be patient, practice, practice, practice. So we're looking at pronunciation. Let me start with this word: "pronunciation". Not: "pronounciation". It is not a pronoun. A pronoun is: "I", "me", "my", "mine". Pronunciation is how we speak English. So I'm going to give you three tips that will help you sound a little bit more like a native speaker. We're going to start with connecting words. Now, think about your own language, whether you're speaking Spanish or Polish or Chinese, you do this in your language as well. When you're speaking fast, you're taking words and you're squeezing them together; you're connecting them, so one word flows into the next word. That's what we're going to do here. You can connect consonants to consonants. What this means: when a word ends in a consonant... A consonant is "b", "c", "d", "f", "g", etc. A vowel is "a", "e", "i", "o", "u". When a word ends in a consonant and the next word begins with the same consonant, drop the first one. So for example: we do not say: "black coffee", we don't say: "ke, ke". There's only one "k": "bla coffee", "bla coffee." Okay? Practice that. Now, "t" and "d", these are two different consonants, but according to the tongue and the mouth, they almost sound the same so we do the same thing. "Wha do you do?", "Wha do you do?" But again, another thing you have to keep in mind is when we say it fast, we also don't really say "e", we say like a... Sort of like a small... We don't say "o" - sorry -, we say sort of a small "e". "Wha do ye do?" Practice that. "Wha do ye do?" Strange, huh? No "t", "wha", "de ye do?", "Wha de ye do?" That's how a native speaker would say it naturally. Now, another thing is when a word ends in a consonant and the next word begins in a vowel, make sure you roll it in. Right? Roll the consonant into the vowel and separate the syllable before. A syllable is the vowel sounds in a word. Okay? So nobody, like native speakers don't say: "Not at all. Oh no, not at all." We don't say it like that. We say: "Oh, not-at-all.", "Not-at-all.", "Not-at-all." Right? The "t", so this becomes: "No-ta-tall", "No-ta-tall", "Not at all". Okay? Say it quickly, blend the letters one into the next. But again, practice it. Now, for those of you who are going to be taking a test, an English test that involves listening; IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, if you're in Canada you're maybe doing a CELPIP test. Okay? This is going to help you on the listening section as well. This is one of the things they're testing. Somebody on the recording will say: "Not-at-all", and you need to cut: "Not at all", you need to understand the separate words, that's part of the test. So practice speaking it, practice listening to it. Another thing we do is we squeeze some words. Okay? Certain words, we don't say all the syllables, we don't even say all the letters. I've heard many students say: "Com-fort-able", "com-fort-able", but native speakers, we don't say this part, we don't say the "or". We say: "Comf-ta-bil", and notice the last sound is like a small tiny, tiny little "i" in there. "Comftabil", "comf-ta-bil", "comftabil". Okay? We don't pronounce the "or": "Comfortable". Nope, don't do that. Another word like that: "Interesting". "In-chre-sting". Find out what the syllables are so: "In-ter" - sorry, my mistake -, "In-ter-rest-ing". If you want to emphasize something, we have a word called: "enunciate". When someone wants to emphasize a word, then they enunciate each syllable; they say each syllable separately. "Oh, that is very in-ter-est-ing." Right? Because I want you to understand that the word is interesting, but in every day speech: "Intresting", "in-tre-sting". "In-ter-est-ing", I have four syllables, when I actually say it naturally, it becomes three syllables and the "t" and the "r" become like a "ch", but that's... We'll talk about that next. Another word: "every". "E-vry". I don't say: "Ev-er-y", I don't say this letter "e", "ev-er-y". "E-vry", "evryone", "evrything", "evry".

04 oct 2015 - 14 min
episode #10:「阅读」The Ultimate Guide To Learning Anything Faster artwork
#10:「阅读」The Ultimate Guide To Learning Anything Faster

文章链接:https://medium.com/life-hacking-2/the-ultimate-guide-to-learning-anything-faster-4ef555034c8c 音乐:- Ihi Datta Ne - DEPAPEPE

04 oct 2015 - 6 min
episode #11:「音标」长元音[ɑ:] ,长元音 [ ɔ:] artwork
#11:「音标」长元音[ɑ:] ,长元音 [ ɔ:]

长元音[ɑ:] 首先唇形:口腔上下打开,即上下张开; 其次舌形:舌尖离开下齿,舌身放平,舌根部抬起 单词 :ask laugh answer bath 1)如果这个音后面跟着辅音/f/, /s/,/n/,/θ/,而且又是美音的话,则要变成/æ/ 2)如果这个音后面有卷舌音/r/,注意发音时先完成/ɑ/的发音,然后舌尖尽量向上颚卷曲 单词: bar park smart farm 句子:a promise is a promise. 说话算话。 Honesty is the best policy.诚实总是上策。 长元音 [ ɔ:] 英音当中,发音时唇形紧绷成圆形,并向前突出。 而美音要在英音的基础上逐渐扩大口形,两腮慢慢放松,感觉口腔中空。 单词: walk long cross law 句子:i thought you could do a better job. 我以为你的表现会更好。 注意:在美音中,如果该音与卷舌音r连接,通常写成 [ ɔr]的形式),此时前半部分的发音较单独发 [ ɔ:]时略小,比较以下单词在英音和美音中的区别: Caught 逮住 / court 法庭 Sauce 沙司 / source 来源 结尾音乐:Sia--《I’m in here》 主播微博:@小黑黑二

04 oct 2015 - 7 min
episode #6:「音标」短元音[ɛ],长元音[æ] artwork

介绍: 元音[ɛ] 唇形:嘴巴自然微张,上下齿之间约能伸进一个食指的距离 舌形:舌尖轻触下齿,舌前部有微微向上抬的趋势 发这个音时。我们要注意两点, 第一,[ɛ][与[i]的区别在于口型,前者口型略大,后者口型较小。 第二,美音中的[ɛ]要比英音中的[ɛ]开口要略小一些 单词 check jet every melt 句子:please learn English step by step 学习英语,请一步一步来。 I will never forget my best friend’s wedding. 我永远都不会忘记我最好的朋友的婚礼。 注意区别以下四组词: Pick peck Did dead This mess Sit set 元音[æ] (恶心音) 唇形:下颚下沉,上下齿之间,大约可以放进一个食指和一个中指 舌形:同样舌尖抵住下齿,稍稍用力 单词 mat snack rapper laugh 句子:Don’t talk to him,he is a bad apple. 别理他,他是个坏蛋。 结尾音乐:Lorde--《Tennis Court》 主播微博:小黑黑二

19 ago 2015 - 6 min
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