My Brother, My Brother And Me
Podcast gratuito

My Brother, My Brother And MePodcast de The McElroys

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Free advice from three of the world's most qualified, most related experts: Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy. For one-half to three-quarters of an hour every Monday, we tell people how to live their lives, because we're obviously doing such a great job of it so far.

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Todos los episodios

741 episodios
episode MBMBaM 727: A Great Day for Brotherhood artwork
MBMBaM 727: A Great Day for Brotherhood
Welcome to our adult blanket sleeper-themed slumber party! The Gallagher brothers are here, but who knows how long that’ll last. You can grab a soup fork next to the Capri-Sun sous vide, and don’t forget to horf a handful of non-challenging M&M’s, we’ve got buckets of ’em. Lights out at 11:30! Suggested talking points: Liam Gallagher’s Tweets, 15 Year Brother Shifts, Treat-Level Pleasure, Jumpin Jammerz Party Crashers, Prison of Sleep Talismans, More Candle Than Man Equal Justice Initiative:
02 sep 2024 - 59 min
episode MBMBaM 726: Hot Dog Think Appointment artwork
MBMBaM 726: Hot Dog Think Appointment
Thank you for listening to this podcast in the way that it was meant to be consumed. We put so much effort into making these dogs look picture-perfect, gluing puzzles together, and figuring out Count Donut’s lore that it’s truly only experienced in this exact correct way to listen to podcasts.  Suggested talking points: Every Island Gets You Old, It Sounds Like You're Wearing Glasses, Sword's Too Big, No One's Doing Homeward Bound, Geese People, Mulled Pepsi World Central Kitchen:
26 ago 2024 - 1 h 0 min
episode MBMBaM 725: Fevers Named After Colors artwork
MBMBaM 725: Fevers Named After Colors
How are we going to get Fortnite Senpai to notice us so we can have a themed energy drink or whatever? We could try drinking water from a huge bottle while staring directly into their eyes. Or maybe making suggestive jokes about pie? If all else fails, we’ll just fake our deaths in a really convincing but also ha-ha fun prank kind of way.  Suggested talking points: American Pie Presents American Pubes, The Rock Eats Cod, Mysting Persons, Yellow Clocks, Dunkinterns  World Central Kitchen:
19 ago 2024 - 57 min
episode MBMBaM 724: This Mouth Sound is Gonna Change Your Life artwork
MBMBaM 724: This Mouth Sound is Gonna Change Your Life
We know we’ve missed the appropriate window for Sports Chat, but know that if we did it would’ve been funny and tasteful. Kind of like this duckie cup we took from some old guy. Now we’re ready to confront the captain of the improv team and figure out who Susan Korn really is. Suggested Talking Points: A Relationship Stronger Than Marriage, The Opposite of Indiana Jones, Christian Values As Viewed Through The Lens of Dungeon Traps, Charm Jewelry’s Surging Popularity, Car Twins World Central Kitchen:
12 ago 2024 - 56 min
episode MBMBaM 723: Face 2 Face: Cuck Cuck Goose artwork
MBMBaM 723: Face 2 Face: Cuck Cuck Goose
Live from Detroit it’s our Best Show Ever™! We have emerged bringing with us a live Munch Squad of the world’s coldest wet sandwich, tips on how to sell your Pokemon cards to your doctor, and a completely accidental number of questions about animals. We've learned our lesson about themed live shows, we promise.  Suggested talking points: Bird Perverts, Exact Normal Amount of Shark Enthusiasm , No Raw Cheese, Gastro-based Pauses, Justify Snakes, Peak Baby  World Central Kitchen:
05 ago 2024 - 1 h 11 min
Muy buenos Podcasts , entretenido y con historias educativas y divertidas depende de lo que cada uno busque. Yo lo suelo usar en el trabajo ya que estoy muchas horas y necesito cancelar el ruido de al rededor , Auriculares y a disfrutar ..!!
Fantástica aplicación. Yo solo uso los podcast. Por un precio módico los tienes variados y cada vez más.
Me encanta la app, concentra los mejores podcast y bueno ya era ora de pagarles a todos estos creadores de contenido

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