Social Stories
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Social Stories

Podcast de socialstories

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Social Stories is a connection point, a place where all of our ideas come together to become something more. Every episode is a short story that came from a prompt submitted by someone just like you. We believe in the power of story, and we're excited to take this journey with you. 

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18 episodios
episode S2:E8 - The Last Lighthouse artwork
S2:E8 - The Last Lighthouse
You work for a secret organization whose function is to keep the world operating. You do your part by maintaining a lighthouse ... but not in the normal sense of the word. And then one day, the operators of the other three lighthouses hail you over the radio with terrible news ... When the pressure is on to not only survive but to keep your lighthouse in working order, what do you do? This week's prompt comes from Nicole Thomas: "When the last lighthouse in the world went out."
13 nov 2020 - 42 min
episode S2:E7 - A Taxidermy Herd artwork
S2:E7 - A Taxidermy Herd
Ben Bentley notices something strange about a pasture that lies in his path to and from work everyday: there's a herd of goats which appear to be unmoving ... in the midst of his investigation, his life changes in a way he never expected. This week's Story Prompt comes from Jeff Joiner: "I noticed the goats in the small pasture ... were not real."
06 nov 2020 - 44 min
episode S2:E6 - Black Thumb artwork
S2:E6 - Black Thumb
Pearl is new in town. A couple of her school's most popular girls try to prank her at their town's abandoned, "haunted" house. Their prank works ... too well. This week's Story Prompt is a picture submitted by Seth White. Check out our Instagram page, @socialstoriespodcast, to see it!
30 oct 2020 - 58 min
episode S2:E5 - Heist artwork
S2:E5 - Heist
This story is self-contained, so you don't need any other episodes for it to make sense, BUT Heist is technically a continuation of Season 1, Episode 4, "Button," and this story will be just a little richer if you have the full context of that previous episode. This week's Story Prompt comes from Taylor Latham: "Driving as fast as I could, I knew that either way this would be the last drive I ever took."
23 oct 2020 - 41 min
episode S2:E4 - Lost Fire artwork
S2:E4 - Lost Fire
Tommil is blind—he was born that way—but he has a mysterious ability to see what will happen next. This is his story. The story of a fallen prince seeking redemption and a captured peasant girl desperate to find her sister. The Story Prompt this week came from Shane Doster: "Although he was physically blind, he could see what would happen next."
16 oct 2020 - 47 min

Audiolibros populares

Muy buenos Podcasts , entretenido y con historias educativas y divertidas depende de lo que cada uno busque. Yo lo suelo usar en el trabajo ya que estoy muchas horas y necesito cancelar el ruido de al rededor , Auriculares y a disfrutar ..!!
Fantástica aplicación. Yo solo uso los podcast. Por un precio módico los tienes variados y cada vez más.
Me encanta la app, concentra los mejores podcast y bueno ya era ora de pagarles a todos estos creadores de contenido

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