The Infectious Myth
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The Infectious Myth

Podcast de Progressive Radio Network

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On "The Infectious Myth" host David Crowe will examine the questionable or outright false paradigms that infect our society. 

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58 episodios
episode The Infectious Myth - Third cancer update from David artwork
The Infectious Myth - Third cancer update from David
David reports on the last two weeks of his cancer experiences. He is very tired but still hopefully he was start to turn around.
07 jul 2020 - 32 min
episode The Infectious Myth - Canadian University Tries to Cancel Gender Critical Feminist Professor Kathleen Lowrey artwork
The Infectious Myth - Canadian University Tries to Cancel Gender Critical Feminist Professor Kathleen Lowrey
Kathleen Lowrey is an Associate Professor in the Anthropology Department at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada. She was asked to resign from her position of Associate Chair of the department because of anonymous complaints from students that she made them feel ‘unsafe’. She refused, and then was dismissed without reason. David and Kathleen talk about gender critical feminism as opposed to transgender rights activist, about safe spaces, about learning environments, academic freedom an more. Even JK Rowling and the hypocrisy of her publishing company Hachette, comes up. They strongly protected JK Rowling, but recently cancelled a Woody Allen biography faced with almost identical complaints from staff and authors. A wide ranging, casual conversation.
30 jun 2020 - 57 min
episode The Infectious Myth - David’s Second Update on his Cancer Diagnosis artwork
The Infectious Myth - David’s Second Update on his Cancer Diagnosis
David provides a second on his cancer diagnosis, his meetings with an oncologist and radiologist, that sealed his desire to go alternative, his conversations with Tom Cowan, Andrew Kaufman and others that provided new insights into alternative diets and treatment. He also discusses the ups and downs of his rapid decline in health, mostly problems with edema and low energy levels. His family is in town this week, so his time is more limited, but it’s also motivating to spend time with people you love.
23 jun 2020 - 47 min
episode The Infectious Myth - My Cancer artwork
The Infectious Myth - My Cancer
David talks about his recent cancer diagnosis, his feelings, his support network, his experience getting tests in hospital, the several experts he has talked to, and his emerging plans for treatment.
16 jun 2020 - 51 min
episode The Infectious Myth - Jim Gottstein on the Zyprexa Papers artwork
The Infectious Myth - Jim Gottstein on the Zyprexa Papers
Jim Gottstein’s legal education was interrupted by a psychological breakdown, but he managed to get back on his feet without becoming a lifetime drug consumer, completed his legal education at Harvard Law School, and turned his attention to helping others. So it was no surprise when internal Eli Lilly documents on the antipsychotic Zyprexa (Olanzapine) were sent to him. But the drug company did not like this and dragged him into a long drawn-out court battle to get him to close the barn door after the horses had fled (Jim had forwarded the documents to others, and not all of them returned and destroyed them). In this discussion, and in his book, “The Zyprexa Papers”, Jim also describes how he fought against the forced drugging of psychiatric patients in his home state of Alaska. Another long, drawn-out battle, with some successes, some failures.   For more on Jim’s work see: []and []
09 jun 2020 - 58 min

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