Warehouse of Dreams - The Sleep-Well Podcast
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Warehouse of Dreams - The Sleep-Well Podcast

Podcast de Jungheinrich and Podstars

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Welcome to the warehouse of dreams! Dive with us into the world of Jungheinrich, a leading intralogistics expert. This sleepcast will help you fall asleep better as we take you on a tour around a very special warehouse - the warehouse of dreams. We take you on a feel-good journey where you can simply let go. In three episodes, soothing sounds, a pleasant voice and a relaxing breathing exercise await you. We wish you a good night's sleep with what is probably the world's first intralogistics sleepcast! About Jungheinrich As one of the world’s leading providers of intralogistics solutions, Jungheinrich has been advancing the development of innovative and sustainable products and solutions for material flows for 70 years. As a pioneer in the sector, the Hamburg-based family business is committed to creating the warehouse of the future. Find more information here: https://www.jungheinrich.com/en 

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4 episodios
episode Episode 1: Welcome to Paketstedt artwork
Episode 1: Welcome to Paketstedt
On the outskirts of Paketstedt stands a rather large cube, behind whose gates a whole new world opens up: the cosmos of intralogistics. Let the unique atmosphere in the cube accompany you slowly and relaxed into sleep.
17 oct 2022 - 20 min
episode Episode 2: The concert of stacker cranes artwork
Episode 2: The concert of stacker cranes
In this episode we take a look inside the automated high-bay warehouse. Here, the soothing sounds of stacker cranes storing and retrieving goods will relax you.
17 oct 2022 - 30 min
episode Episode 3: Relaxation exercise in the warehouse artwork
Episode 3: Relaxation exercise in the warehouse
To the soothing sounds and impressions from the warehouse, we really come to rest. The breathing exercise, if repeated regularly, will help us to relax consciously and fall asleep peacefully. Breathe deeply with us … and in … and out …
17 oct 2022 - 16 min
episode Warehouse of Dreams - The Sleep-Well Podcast artwork
Warehouse of Dreams - The Sleep-Well Podcast
Welcome to the warehouse of dreams! Dive with us into the world of Jungheinrich, a leading intralogistics expert. This sleepcast will help you fall asleep better as we take you on a tour around a very special warehouse - the warehouse of dreams. We take you on a feel-good journey where you can simply let go. In three episodes, soothing sounds, a pleasant voice and a relaxing breathing exercise await you. We wish you a good night's sleep with what is probably the world's first intralogistics sleepcast! About Jungheinrich As one of the world’s leading providers of intralogistics solutions, Jungheinrich has been advancing the development of innovative and sustainable products and solutions for material flows for 70 years. As a pioneer in the sector, the Hamburg-based family business is committed to creating the warehouse of the future. Find more information here: Jungheinrich – leading intralogistics provider [https://www.jungheinrich.com/en]
30 sep 2022 - 1 min

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