Beneath Cornish Skies

Beneath Cornish Skies

Luisterboek door Kate Ryder

To an outsider, Cassandra Shaw's life looks perfect. She lives in a beautiful, luxurious house in the English countryside, with a handsome, wealthy boyfriend who insists she needn't do a day's work in her life. But Cassie knows that something is not right.Her boyfriend has grown colder, treating her more like a housekeeper than a future wife. And her time feels empty and purposeless.Cassandra has always been riddled with insecurities and self-doubt, but, just for once, she decides to take a chance on a new beginning. She answers an advert for a live-in nanny, dogwalker, cook and all-round 'Superhuman' for a family living in a rambling manor house on the rugged North Cornish coast. The work is hard and tiring, but Cassie has never felt so fulfilled.As Cassie learns to connect with the natural beauty unfolding around her, Cornwall starts to offer up its secrets. Soon, Cassie starts wondering if she was drawn to this isolated part of the coast for a reason. Why was she guided to Foxcombe Manor? What are the flashes of light she sees in the valley? Is it her imagination or does someone brush past her? And who is the mysterious man living deep in the woods?A beautiful romance with a hint of ghostliness, Beneath Cornish Skies is for anyone who has ever longed to start their lives again.Reviews for Beneath Cornish Skies:'A wonderful story of finding love, freedom and oneself with a little help from friends, ancient magic and spirits in the landscape. Uplifting, romantic and perfect for anyone who loves Cornwall!' Christina Courtenay, author of Echoes of the Runes'A beautiful story of love and self-discovery. Evocative, haunting and magical' Nicola Cornick, author of The Forgotten Sister'An absorbing tale of romance and deceit, layered with supernatural magic and impressively researched historical fact' Carol Lovekin, author of Wild Spinning Girls- 

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