The Work Stress Cycle

The Work Stress CycleLuisterboek door Antonio Montes Orozco

Start gratis proefperiode14 dagen gratis, daarna € 6,99/maand

In the world of software, endless days are the order of the day. This causes workers to leave very late and return home without time for anything other than dinner and bedtime. Imagine a life in a loop, in which one day dangerously resembles the next one, and the next one, and the next one ... A life with hardly any time for anything other than work: no family, no friends, no recreational activity, so necessary to recharge batteries in this stressful world. That is the life that many workers have and that many others have experienced at some point in their professional career. Through this fable, Antonio Montes Orozco poses the story of Robert, the protagonist of the fable, who is "burned out" for living in a continuous "peak of work." Robert is discovering what has led him to this situation, to draw his own conclusions. You will discover the world of "coaching", the world of "agilism" and you will end up being clear about the five steps that lead to entering the "Work Stress Cycle", and other key principles, such as learning to "eliminate fear from the equation"

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