True Crime Canada

True Crime Canada

Luisterboek door Adrian Langenscheid

» Morbid, whimsical, tragic ... Goosebumps! « – Leonie-Rachel Soyel (Podcast "Couchgeflüster") » Langenscheid's books are exciting, from the first page to the last! « – True Crime Podcast "Darf's ein bisserl Mord sein?" In the ninth volume of his True Crime series, Germany's bestselling True Crime author Adrian Langenscheid once again unleashes heart-pounding, addictive reading. It offers a breathtaking, deeply harrowing portrait of human abysses that arouses powerful emotions precisely because of its cool, factually neutral depiction. Free of any sensationalism, thirteen True Crime short stories retell some of the most spectacular Canadian criminal cases of recent decades. A gripping collection of accounts of murder, manslaughter, kidnapping, abuse, fraud, betrayal, and theft that take the reader to the limits of the bearable. These are crimes involving "people like you and me"; people whose lives, due to tragic circumstances, are no longer what they were before. With expertise and excellent head-spinning narration, the true crime expert, in collaboration with the well-known true crime podcasts "Eyes in the Dark," "Murder Whispers," and "Crime Overdose," summarizes the most important findings from court hearings, case files, psychological reports, interrogations, and investigative protocols in his eventful tales. Captivated, stunned, amazed, and moved to tears, you will question everything you thought you knew about human nature. True crime cases, true crimes, and thus the full force of reality will strike you in thirteen detailed case histories, both well-known and undiscovered! Click "BUY NOW" and discover Canada's darker side. » Langenscheid writes matter-of-factly, focused and detailed stories reflecting on the darkest aspects of our existence. Relentless entertainment that makes your blood run cold. « – Dave Grunewald (Musician / Influencer) 
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