Winners' Habits: 3 Steps to Powerful Success Routines. Exercise More, Live Healthier, Work More Productively, and Have Better Relationships

Winners' Habits: 3 Steps to Powerful Success Routines. Exercise More, Live Healthier, Work More Productively, and Have Better Relationships

Luisterboek door Patrick Drechsler

Resolutions are good, but most people fail all too quickly to carry them out. However, if you take a look at the daily routines of great minds and top managers, you will quickly see that their habits are often similar. Humans are indeed creatures of habit. But behavioral psychology clearly states that what has been learned once can be unlearned again with the right strategy. No one knows the habits of winners better than Patrick Drechsler. The sought-after coach and motivational trainer have painstakingly developed them himself. Today, he passes on his knowledge of the right mindset for maximum success to everyone who wants to finally break free from monotony and lethargy. In his book, he reveals the secrets surrounding bad habits that prevent professional and personal life success. At the same time, he uses scientifically proven strategies that put the subconscious on the winning track. Anyone may build their own success routine with little effort thanks to the extensive exercise section in this book. With this book, success not only becomes a realistic possibility, but also a clearly visible rising trend that begins with the first reading! 

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