Believe in Magic
Gratis podcast

Believe in Magic

Podcast door BBC Sounds

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Jamie Bartlett, host of the hit podcast The Missing Crypto queen, is back with another gripping, investigative serial. In his new series, Jamie tells the story of Megan Bhari, an inspirational 16 year old girl who in 2012 launches a charity to grant wishes to seriously ill children. The charity is called Believe in Magic and it attracts the support of the biggest boy band in the world: One Direction. Believe in Magic soon becomes a household name in the child cancer community, putting on parties, sending thoughtful gifts and organizing trips to Disney. Megan is adored by all those she helps and is given an award by the then Prime Minister David Cameron. What’s even more remarkable is that Megan is herself extremely unwell. She announces that she has been diagnosed with a brain tumour. She raises money online for life saving treatment in the United States. But a group of internet sleuths start to suspect that Meg isn’t ill at all. When they discover Megan is in a Disney resort rather than a US hospital, they decide to hire a private detective to prove Megan is faking her illness–and expose the truth to the world. But events take an unexpected turn. And the internet sleuths-who are all parents of seriously ill children themselves-begin to wonder if they've got it all wrong. "It wasn't meant to end like this," says one. Author Jamie Bartlett and producer Ruth Mayer investigate the truth about Megan Bhari, tracing back over the sleuths’ incredible discoveries, meeting Megan’s old friends and supporters, and exploring the medical profession’s most mysterious condition. After months of investigation, Jamie and Ruth discover a secretive investigation into the truth about Megan’s medical condition. The conclusion is shocking–and will have far-reaching consequences for everyone involved. Believe in Magic is a BBC Studios production. 

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Alle afleveringen

8 afleveringen
episode Episode 7: Jean artwork
Episode 7: Jean
Megan’s mother disappears, Jamie tries to track her down. Evidence published reveals a shocking conclusion. Finally, Jamie can give everyone involved some answers.
29 mei 2023 - 43 min
episode Episode 6: One Direction artwork
Episode 6: One Direction
Why did Megan and her mother set up Believe in Magic? Jamie investigates their link to pop megastars One Direction. He discovers crucial evidence is about to be published.
25 mei 2023 - 29 min
episode Episode 5: Sisters artwork
Episode 5: Sisters
Revelations about Megan’s childhood provide vital clues. An expert tells Jamie about a little - understood yet disturbing medical phenomenon.
22 mei 2023 - 27 min
episode Episode 4: Doctors artwork
Episode 4: Doctors
The news creates shock waves. Could the sleuths have got it wrong? Jamie gains rare access to doctors’ reports, which could reveal what happened to Megan.
18 mei 2023 - 27 min
episode Episode 3: Proof artwork
Episode 3: Proof
The sleuths reveal their findings. Believe in Magic’s supporters defend Megan. Some terrible news breaks, that forces the sleuths to reconsider everything they’ve discovered.
15 mei 2023 - 27 min

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