I'm Intuit! with Peyton Turner
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I'm Intuit! with Peyton Turner

Podcast door Peyton Turner

Join psychic and medium Peyton Turner as she talks with fellow intuitives about their own spiritual and personal transformation journeys. 

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13 afleveringen
episode Catherine McCord is Intuit! artwork
Catherine McCord is Intuit!

Following your intuition can look so many different ways. It can mean signing up for that art class when you have never painted in your life, taking a different way home from work and running into an old friend, or simply just knowing what is right for you and what isn’t. As parents, though, we not only have to trust our own intuition but also the intuition surrounding our kids. My lifelong friend and guest Catherine McCord knows this kind of intuition intimately. When her son was very young, he turned down meat and declared himself a vegetarian at age five. Rather than forcing him to eat something, she went with it. Then a few years later he became ill and Catherine once again turned to her own intuition to cure what Western Medicine could not even diagnose. Not only did her son get better, he started to thrive. Intuitive eating is something we are all born knowing how to do, and Catherine is dedicated to helping families find their own best path to health right in their own kitchens. She empowers parents and their children through her company Weelicious and One Potato, and has fun with her family in the process! It was an honor to talk with Catherine about how she uses her intuition daily to guide her and her family on their journey. You can find Catherine on all social media platforms @weelicious and @onepotatobox. As always, you can find Peyton at https://peytonhturner.com

30 mrt 2021 - 46 min
episode Karen Alladin is Intuit! artwork
Karen Alladin is Intuit!

There is a joke in her family that she is the Ice Queen, unemotional and final in her decision making. My experience of her, however, has been one of great connection and love. She can sit and cry with you while at the same time tell you exactly what to do to heal. She makes it seem easy because she’s right there with you on your journey. Meet my amazing guest Karen Alladin. After graduating from the University of Virginia, she began to apply to medical school. In an effort to boost her chances of acceptance, she elected to do a gap year program at Georgetown University in alternative medicine. She never knew how much she belonged in this kind of healing space until the opportunity presented itself. Once she started, though, she was hooked and there was no going back. From there Karen went to acupuncture school and now runs a successful clinic with her husband. Karen admits that she doesn’t really think much about her own intuition, however she knows that this is most likely because she is just so immersed in it with her career. She lives her life intuitively, and to her there really is no other way. In this episode, we talk about healing the energetic body to heal the physical body, how to live in accordance with the seasons, and a possible reason why New Year’s Resolutions rarely work. (Hint: it has nothing to do with your level of commitment) It was a joy to sit with Karen for this episode. For further information about Karen and her practice, head over to Instagram @meridian_louisville or check out their website https://meridianlouisville.com. You can reach Peyton at https://peytonhturner.com

23 mrt 2021 - 58 min
episode Lewis Perkins is Intuit! artwork
Lewis Perkins is Intuit!

Have you ever wondered about the connection between trauma and intuition? Have you experienced the effects of generational, ancestral trauma? Do you know how to use your intuition to speak your truth, even when society tells you that your truth is “flawed”? My good friend and guest Lewis Perkins knows a thing or two about trauma and intuition. As a small child growing up in the South East, he knew that he was gay and that being gay made him “different”. When the outside world clashed with his own inner knowing, he would find a quiet place away from his family to cry. He spent so many years being told by society that he was “wrong”. However the one thing that he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, was that he was ok. Even in his darkest moments, the inner pilot light of his soul told him he was divine. Twenty-eight years of living a lie ended with sobriety and a hard look in the mirror. It also helped him hone what he calls his greatest gifts… empathy and the desire to understand others. Lewis has devoted his life to speaking up not only for his truth, but the truth for others who cannot speak up for themselves. A leader in the textile industry, his company is dedicated to reducing the impact on the environment and ending slave labor. In doing so, he is not only healing his current life trauma, but the trauma that has carried down through his family for generations. It was a joy and an honor to sit with Lewis for this incredible conversation. And, as always, spirit showed up in a really beautiful way for him with a visit from his grandfather and a message of love through song and pennies. For more information on how to be of service, check out his company’s website (www.apparelimpact.org [https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttp://www.apparelimpact.org%26amp;sa%3DD%26amp;source%3Deditors%26amp;ust%3D1614990842637000%26amp;usg%3DAOvVaw2Jhu59OXGSd29WWn-egIRx&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1614990842644000&usg=AOvVaw0DiTXtQEY-EGPafZGm_8Mt]), his podcast “Lewis and Friends” on YouTube, or watch the trailer for his documentary “Generation F” (www.genfseries.com [https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttp://www.genfseries.com%26amp;sa%3DD%26amp;source%3Deditors%26amp;ust%3D1614990842637000%26amp;usg%3DAOvVaw3uRLK3nPRLi2nS1mQxDaSE&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1614990842644000&usg=AOvVaw3GLgod2p0TJKdbGWUSuhJz]). He can also be reached via email at Lewis@lewisperkins.com [Lewis@lewisperkins.com]. As always you can reach Peyton at https://peytonhturner.com [https://peytonhturner.com]

16 mrt 2021 - 57 min
episode Britt Garett is Intuit! artwork
Britt Garett is Intuit!

Do you ever wonder if cops use intuition? Have you ever questioned what makes one person turn to drug addiction and another turn to law enforcement? Do you know how someone can incur a lifetime of trauma and “succeed”, while another can “fail”? In this very special episode of “I’m Intuit!”, I had the privilege of discussing all of these topics and more with 14 year police veteran Britt Garrett. Britt took a lifetime of trauma and turned it into huge success as a decorated police officer. However, in doing so she created a very constrictive box of rules in which she thought she must live to survive. The lightbulb moment for Britt came during a conversation with a friend about the rights of drug addicts. Britt thought they should all be arrested. Her friend thought they deserved compassion. This led Britt on a path of self discovery that has changed the course of her life and career in epic and magnificent ways. Britt and I talk about trauma, yoga, intuition, ego, and what it would mean to truly leave the past in the past and face the future without the shackles of trauma. In this episode, I also do a live card pull and future reading for Britt, uncovering a recent development in Britt’s life that was a surprise for me. Talking with this beautiful and powerful woman was such a gift, and I can’t wait to share it with you! If you have any questions on how to support Britt and how she is bringing much needed change to the police force, email me at peyton@peytonhturner.com [peyton@peytonhturner.com]

09 mrt 2021 - 54 min
episode Jamie Homeister is Intuit! artwork
Jamie Homeister is Intuit!

Have you ever been brought to your knees? Have you ever been so sick that everything you had built your life around, even simple daily tasks like holding a spoon, became impossible or overwhelming? Have you ever had to put your entire faith into voices that only you could hear? My incredible guest on the episode has been through all of this and more. Meet Jamie Homeister. At the pinnacle of her career, she was world renowned for painting feathers. However, she knew that she was not living up to her calling. In an act of sheer desperation, she dropped to her knees and asked for guidance. What followed was a series of medical challenges that left her incapacitated. This sudden halt to her formerly high-demand lifestyle allowed her to connect to her own intuition and Spirit. When all she could do was meditate, she began to tune into that inner knowing and listen to her intuition speak. It was through this practice that she began her healing journey and found her true calling. In this episode, Jamie and I talk about how she uses her artistic abilities and her extensive knowledge of color and auras to help heal clients through deep connection. Jamie tells the story of the day her world turned upside down and how she was able to turn her life from fear into profound gratitude through intuition. We discuss the importance of setting boundaries as a means to care for ourselves, how our “enemies” are really our greatest teachers, and how she uses color to create beautiful chakragraphs for her clients (she works with 108 different colors and they each have a different meaning!). Jamie’s life has been completely transformed by following her own intuition and her dedication to her shamanic practice. This is an episode that you do not want to miss! Jamie can be found on Instagram @jamiehomeister and @chakragraphs), Facebook (Jamie Homeister), or on her website https://jamiehomeister.com or https://chakragraphs.com

02 mrt 2021 - 57 min
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