Mindful Prayers for Students
Gratis podcast

Mindful Prayers for Students

Podcast door Sydney Montgomery

Welcome to Mindful Prayers for Students, I’m your host Sydney Montgomery. On this show, I provide students a moment of peace, meditation, and prayer, in the midst of the stressors of applying to college or law school, studying for exams, and juggling competing work and family obligations. As the owner and founder of S. Montgomery Admissions Consulting, and the first lawyer in my family, I am passionate about helping students through the college and law school admissions process in a way that helps them break down generational barriers, gain confidence, and feel supported through community. I want to thank you for showing up today and carving out just a few minutes of your time to center and listen to yourself and what you need. Prayer is such a powerful way to stay connected to your faith, whether that's a Judeo-Christian faith, or whether you simply want to focus on this as a time for meditation and self-reflection. 

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Alle afleveringen

35 afleveringen
episode 34. Having Courage to Ask for Letters of Recommendation artwork
34. Having Courage to Ask for Letters of Recommendation
I want to talk to you about asking for letters of recommendation and building relationships with others. It can feel like you are losing control by having someone else write an important part of your application, but it is important to remember that God puts people in our lives to help us.
03 dec 2021 - 12 min
episode 33. God Sees Your Needs artwork
33. God Sees Your Needs
The scripture I want to share with you today is Philippians 4:19, God will supply all your needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus. God has a plan and He will supply your needs. Maybe your needs are to get into a certain school or achieve a certain score, but whatever your needs are I challenge you to think about how God has supplied your needs up to now and will continue to supply your needs.
26 nov 2021 - 12 min
episode 32. God Will See You To The Finish Line artwork
32. God Will See You To The Finish Line
I want to talk to you about having faith that God will see His plan through. The scripture I'm sharing today is Philippians 1:6, "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” As you wrap up your applications and exams, remember that God will help you through to the end.
19 nov 2021 - 1 s
episode 31. Prayer for the November LSAT artwork
31. Prayer for the November LSAT
I know that the LSAT exam can feel like a stressful and anxious time. We place so much weight on our score but it is important to remember that our worth is not tied to a number or a school. God has a divine plan for you and His plans are so much better than our own. I am praying for all of you as you prepare to take the November exam.
12 nov 2021 - 23 min
episode 30. Building Relationships with Admissions artwork
30. Building Relationships with Admissions
I want to talk to you today about the importance of community and the fact that we are never alone. There are so many people in the education process and the application process that God has intentionally placed in our lives to help us.
11 nov 2021 - 8 min
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