P's in a Pod

P's in a Pod

Podcast door The P's in a Pod Network

We believe that college students have experiences, ideas, and opinions that are often underrecognized. This podcast spotlights the unique perspectives...

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33 afleveringen
episode Reflecting on My Four Years at Princeton artwork
Reflecting on My Four Years at Princeton

As her final goodbye to the show, Susan is alone at the mic to reflect on each of her four years on this campus. She describes what she has learned while being challenged every step of the way and offers a few pieces of advice to incoming and current students. If you or anyone you know would like to continue the work of P's in a Pod, don't hesitate to reach out through our Instagram @psinapod. Thank you to everyone who has made this show possible.

06 jun 2023 - 37 min
episode Career Pipelines, Lessons, and Romanticizations artwork
Career Pipelines, Lessons, and Romanticizations

At Princeton, the word "career" can be pretty charged, with endless pressures and decisions to navigate. Susan and Nathan look back on how their ideas of careers have changed over time, what types of career pipelines circulate at Princeton, how their own career paths have changed, and advice they would give to their younger selves. They also discuss their career bucket lists, romanticizing what paths lie ahead of them. Also, Susan chose the job over grad school! This episode was recorded on April 26 and 28, 2023.

25 mei 2023 - 1 h 6 min
episode Eating Clubs and the New Dining Pilot artwork
Eating Clubs and the New Dining Pilot

Princeton has 11 eating clubs, which are basically huge houses lined up on one street, unironically called "the Street," that provide dining and social spaces for upperclassmen. 6 of them require you to "bicker" to become members (think rushing for greek life but slightly more regulated). Co-ops, which are also mentioned in this episode, are another dining plan option where students alternate cooking for each other in a designated space. Susan and Nathan discuss their thoughts on eating clubs, bicker, and a new dining pilot that aims to increase upperclassmen dining options.

23 mrt 2023 - 42 min
episode Fast Fashion and Colonialism with a Future Comedian artwork
Fast Fashion and Colonialism with a Future Comedian

This episode may be somewhat of a time capsule, since it was recorded several months ago on September 25th, 2021. This was at a time when returning to campus and attending in-person classes was still a fairly recent event, and this was before the emergence of the Omicron variant. Meet Imaan Khasru: third-year student from Bangladesh and Wales.  Imaan and Ava talk about how strange the transition to an in-person campus has been. Imaan also discusses colonialism in the world of fast fashion and microtrends, the Rana Plaza factory collapse, the history of the word "thug" by the British in India, and problematic campus language like referring to certain dorms as "the slums." Links mentioned: The True Cost [https://truecostmovie.com/] (film) Sponsored by Ringle [http://www.ringleplus.com/en/tutor]

02 apr 2022 - 43 min
episode The Dinner Table Draft: Female Artist Edition with Sam Spector '24 artwork
The Dinner Table Draft: Female Artist Edition with Sam Spector '24

“Princeton” and “music” are often spoken in the same sentence when talking about our guest in today’s episode: Sam Spector! If you haven’t heard her music before, check her out using the links below and wait until the end of the episode to hear a spinnet of one of her songs! Jani, our in-house musician, also joins, and she, Ava, and Susan draft with Sam their favorite female artists of 2021. The group also discusses Sam’s recent musical successes. Speaking of which, GO SEE HER PERFORM LIVE AT TERRACE ON THE 16TH! The categories of this draft include 3 different genres, 1 wildcard, and 1 “underrated” category. It’s clear that all four women have different music tastes (though there is some overlap) so we’ll be interested to see which dinner table y’all vote as the most interesting. Susan is still salty that Nathan won against her in our last draft. Go follow us on Insta @psinapod to stay tuned for the vote! Watch the full YouTube video here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQv6z4c4Xk8]. Check out Sam’s music: https://linktr.ee/samspectormusic [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUJsbjNaTmUwYk5JN29ocW41bTEwYzlHbW5pZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttd3JqX1R6QkVHcFU2VXFNVnd2QV9UdHVoa1h2d0pEWDVTLUpDdUJGWmJWeVUtTm9oaHhTa2d2QTZiSTE3czFSUGpxMkdTMkk1YTlMUWFvRENHc1k1d2x3eV9rY3R3a2dEdE9CcFNScVBHYklweDljYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Flinktr.ee%2Fsamspectormusic] Follow Sam on Instagram @samspectormusic Follow Jani on Instagram @janidumapit Janielle on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3ZD64... [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3Jhbm1qb0dYY29rbDBsTDJsY2tIQ0RjY0o4d3xBQ3Jtc0ttTkpOalRKMnA5YmRUSUx1VjFXemw4ZnpRcTVTRU82R2ZwV04wNXEyWmoycG1MVFlsTXNETWM2TW5YdEhZbzZBdEIxbkZ4NHczeUR0bXVHWkd4YnlCSVJFaGQ0anFocmNydW1nQVhDUm9oXzRwdVJuWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fopen.spotify.com%2Fartist%2F3ZD64SHrePWO9fh2BIVgmF%3Fsi%3DUGcXzFhdRo26RDENszQg0A%26dl_branch%3D1] Apply for the P’s in a Pod Network! Applications are due on September 10th. Host application: https://forms.gle/6VwBfV4n15hdZiqM8 [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW8yd3BnbXYyTTRYdmtpRmlOM2oxeG5XandvQXxBQ3Jtc0tsNnk4T1RLdV80U2RhMXVpb3FaQjJmdF9QOTJqUHpaa0tPYkR3aFpRblZnVVBYNTRGOWJiR29GdGZwSGxoTmxIVDdfeWNPUmtpdUFCejFGaXpRdUFRUGpmNWQ1cGtmQ3k4bjltVjRMbU96c2Y4eGZiaw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.gle%2F6VwBfV4n15hdZiqM8] Producer application: https://forms.gle/CLAUnGZzoF21evP29 [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFZQUGR1dkFTME1SRU9JWVE3RzhVWmI2ZF9BZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttSm9wRWM4YUlyNmlSSkVRQ3ZXVXEwdTZ6Sml2RXU3bEhMc05TSWhYdUNqNk9jNjluaEgzUWZUWHZhajlTV2FodkZjM2hTdGs3ZzBEUmZVR2gyd1g5c3JkajNoSnZaODZ2X3ltdVBIZHdhUFBhZ2Izbw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.gle%2FCLAUnGZzoF21evP29] Marketing application: https://forms.gle/um8y5FyUfydztDz46 [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblpDdDhjOWI3V08xQW1CcWhsS1VQLWxvYi1QZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuLU9QVGZGU2NhVjRrblZob2RhRmV0LXZGQldOUTlTaEVWeWFOTHctYlowOEozRjhFX2JJWWdOMUlYYUNnZV9qcEtodEVXcG15aG0yWThFdE5oalUwbXNuY2RVRmRGSEdwWWtybnJqNUNpNDhJaDhBOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.gle%2Fum8y5FyUfydztDz46]

02 sep 2021 - 1 h 3 min
Super app. Onthoud waar je bent gebleven en wat je interesses zijn. Heel veel keuze!
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