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Podcast door Palle Bo

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Palle Bo er en radiomand, der har solgt sit hus, sin bil og alle sine møbler, for at rejse jorden rundt. Han har en ambition om at besøge alle lande i verden, og du kan tage med på rejsen i denne podcast. Tag med på i mødet med de lokale og oplev Palles begejstring og bekymring over livet som digital nomade. 

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502 afleveringen
episode 363 INTERVIEW: En sej ung globetrotter tomlede over Atlanten artwork
363 INTERVIEW: En sej ung globetrotter tomlede over Atlanten
In this episode, you can meet Enora Kriegel, a cool 22-year-old adventurer who hitchhiked across the Atlantic Ocean by sailboat, explored crisis-ridden Venezuela. She did all of that without flying, and encountered extreme budget travellers and unique cycling companions.  Enora's stories inspire us to embrace adventure and simplicity in travel. Listen for tales of daring exploration and the warmth of human connection.
Gisteren - 30 min
episode 362 AUSTRALIEN: En perfekt dag i Melbourne med en lokal artwork
362 AUSTRALIEN: En perfekt dag i Melbourne med en lokal
Join me as I explore Melbourne, Australia, in a day packed with local culture, cuisine, and companionship courtesy of my Couchsurfing host, Jon. Our journey starts off at the bustling Melbourne Skydeck, giving us panoramic views of the city. We then visit the iconic Brighton Beach Bathing Boxes before retreating to the serene Royal Botanic Gardens. Along the way, Jon shares his personal stories of friendship and connections made through Couchsurfing. This episode not only highlights the beauty and vibrancy of Melbourne but also delves into how travel can forge deep, personal connections.
30 apr 2024 - 31 min
episode 361 TOURIST SCAMS: Hvordan undgår du dem (del 1) artwork
361 TOURIST SCAMS: Hvordan undgår du dem (del 1)
Welcome to this episode of Vagabond Shorts, where I switch gears from our usual travel tales to discuss tourist scams and how to avoid them. This isn’t about casting a shadow over the beautiful places I’ve visited but sharing insider tips to ensure your travels are smooth and scam-free. With 8 years of constant travel, I’ve encountered my fair share of scams, from overpriced taxis to disappearing tours. Join me with your drink of choice as we delve into these scams, sharing do’s and don'ts and keeping our sense of humor alive. It’s about staying savvy, not scared, and turning these experiences into memorable stories. Let’s learn to outsmart the tricksters and enjoy our adventures to the fullest. The Taxi Overcharge has caught me off guard more than once. My tip? Always agree on a fare before starting your journey or insist on using the meter, and keep an eye on your route via your phone. The Distract and Grab or The Spill on Your Clothes scam relies on distraction. Someone spills something on you, offers to clean it up, and while you're distracted, an accomplice swipes your valuables. The key to avoiding this? Stay alert and keep your belongings secure. The Tale of the Disappearing Act of the Not-So-Magical Tours targets our desire to explore hidden spots. These offers often sound too good to be true because they are. My advice is to approach such deals with skepticism, do thorough research, check reviews, and prefer booking through reliable sources. I'm curious about your experiences with scams. Have you ever been impressed by the cunning of a scam or managed to outwit one yourself? Share your tales in the comments. Also, let me know if you're interested in more insights on navigating travel scams. Safe travels, and remember, every scam you avoid or encounter enriches your travel story collection. My name is Palle Bo, and I gotta keep moving. See you.
27 apr 2024 - 11 min
episode 360 AUSTRALIEN: Forlader Sydney og starter krydstogt mod New Zealand artwork
360 AUSTRALIEN: Forlader Sydney og starter krydstogt mod New Zealand
In this episode, join me, Palle Bo, and my intrepid travel companion, Cynthia Globe, as we embark on an extraordinary voyage departing from Sydney aboard the magnificent Norwegian Spirit cruise ship enroute to New Zealand. Together, we traverse the stunning landscapes of Australia, making captivating stops at destinations like Eden, Tasmania, and Melbourne. Immerse yourself in the rich history of each port of call, from the maritime heritage of Eden to the quaint charm of Penguin, home to the adorable little penguins. Throughout our journey, I share intriguing insights into the Norwegian Spirit, a marvel of the seas offering an array of indulgent amenities and entertainment options. Come along with me as I recount our adventures, encounters, and discoveries, and let the allure of the open ocean ignite your wanderlust. Plus, don't miss the chance to learn about the upcoming Nomad Cruise from Vancouver to Tokyo, where you can join a vibrant community of fellow travellers for an unforgettable voyage.
23 apr 2024 - 31 min
episode 359 SYDNEY: Top-7 vigtigste ting du skal se her artwork
359 SYDNEY: Top-7 vigtigste ting du skal se her
Dive into the heart of Sydney with The Radio Vagabond as we explore the city's top 7 must-see attractions. From the serene bayside charm of Watsons Bay to the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge, this episode is your ultimate guide to experiencing the best of Sydney. 1. Watsons Bay: Discover the tranquil beauty of Watsons Bay, known for its stunning harbor views and delicious seafood. More info here. 2. Royal Botanic Garden Sydney: Wander through the lush landscapes of the Royal Botanic Garden, a green oasis in the city's heart. Visit Royal Botanic Garden for more details. 3. The Queen Victoria Building: Step back in time at the QVB, a haven for history buffs and shopping enthusiasts alike. Find out more here []. 4. Blue Mountains National Park: Escape to the breathtaking Blue Mountains, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Learn more here []. 5. Bondi Beach: Experience the iconic Bondi Beach, a hotspot for surfers and beach lovers. More information here. 6. Sydney Opera House: Marvel at the architectural brilliance of the Sydney Opera House. Visit Sydney Opera House [] for details. 7. Sydney Harbour Bridge: Conquer the Sydney Harbour Bridge with an exhilarating Bridge Climb. Learn more here []. Tune into The Radio Vagabond for an in-depth exploration of these iconic landmarks.
20 apr 2024 - 10 min

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