Reading The Bible
Gratis podcast

Reading The Bible

Podcast door Maevely

Reading the Bible 

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2 afleveringen
episode Genesis Chapters 2 and 3 artwork
Genesis Chapters 2 and 3
Here we read the Creation of Man, and The Fall. My personal thoughts are directed at how they both direct blame at someone else for their actions. Adam blames Eve, and Eve blames the snake. We can see this sort of blame shifting even in our lives today, its never our own fault for the decisions or choice we make, we claim to be the victims of circumstances we created on our own, like Eve claiming that she could not touch the tree without dying, instead of the actual commandment to not eat of it.
29 jan 2021 - 5 min
episode Genesis Chapter 1 artwork
Genesis Chapter 1
My name is Maevely, I'm working through personal things and I figured this would be a good way to unwind and grow closer to God.
26 jan 2021 - 4 min
Super app. Onthoud waar je bent gebleven en wat je interesses zijn. Heel veel keuze!
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