Spotlight English
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Spotlight English

Podcast door Spotlight English

Spotlight is an audio program for learning English. It uses a special method of broadcasting that makes it easier to understand for listeners worldwide.If you want to try faster programs, please subscribe to our Spotlight Advanced podcast ( 

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471 afleveringen
episode International Asteroid Day | DART artwork
International Asteroid Day | DART
In recognition of the UN's "International Asteroid Day", Colin Lowther and Alice Irrizary talk about the DART project and how scientists are working on a future planetary defense system. Download our app for Android at Download our app for iOS at Facebook: Are you learning English? Are you looking for a way to practice your English? Listen to Spotlight to learn about people and places all around the world. You can learn English words, and even practice English by writing a comment. Visit our website to follow along with the script:
Gisteren - 14 min
episode Recovering from Addiction artwork
Recovering from Addiction
Alice Irrizary and Colin Lowther talk about the power of addiction and some helpful advice on how to overcome it. Download our app for Android at Download our app for iOS at Facebook: Are you learning English? Are you looking for a way to practice your English? Listen to Spotlight to learn about people and places all around the world. You can learn English words, and even practice English by writing a comment. Visit our website to follow along with the script:
24 jun 2024 - 13 min
episode Sustainable Gastronomy Day | What the World Eats artwork
Sustainable Gastronomy Day | What the World Eats
In recognition of the UN's "Sustainable Gastronomy Day", Dave Bast and Liz Waid look at the book “Hungry Planet: What the World Eats”. This book shows the different ways people prepare and eat food around the world. Download our app for Android at Download our app for iOS at Facebook: Are you learning English? Are you looking for a way to practice your English? Listen to Spotlight to learn about people and places all around the world. You can learn English words, and even practice English by writing a comment. Visit our website to follow along with the script:
18 jun 2024 - 14 min
episode Age is Just a Number artwork
Age is Just a Number
What will you do when you are old? In recognition of the UN’s “World Elder Abuse Awareness Day”, Spotlight tells about very old people doing very amazing things! Download our app for Android at Download our app for iOS at Facebook:  Are you learning English? Are you looking for a way to practice your English? Listen to Spotlight to learn about people and places all around the world. You can learn English words, and even practice English by writing a comment. Visit our website to follow along with the script:
15 jun 2024 - 14 min
episode Johannes Gutenberg's Famous Invention artwork
Johannes Gutenberg's Famous Invention
Roger Basick and Katy Blake talk about how the printing press was invented and how it changed the world. Download our app for Android at Download our app for iOS at Facebook: Are you learning English? Are you looking for a way to practice your English? Listen to Spotlight to learn about people and places all around the world. You can learn English words, and even practice English by writing a comment. Visit our website to follow along with the script:
10 jun 2024 - 17 min
Super app. Onthoud waar je bent gebleven en wat je interesses zijn. Heel veel keuze!
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App ziet er mooi uit, navigatie is even wennen maar overzichtelijk.

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