The Jimmy Dore Show
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The Jimmy Dore Show

Podcast door Jimmy Dore

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“ Jimmy Dore is outrageous and outraged, bothersome and bothered, a crucial, profane, passionate voice for progressives and freethinkers in 21st century America.” -Patton Oswalt 

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400 afleveringen
episode U.S. Economic Wars Are Actually Screwing Americans!- w/Anya Parampil artwork
U.S. Economic Wars Are Actually Screwing Americans!- w/Anya Parampil
Regardless of whether a Democrat or Republican has been in the White House, for decades U.S. foreign policy toward Venezuela has been uniform in its demand for regime change, with virtually no success. Repeated coup attempts, crippling economic sanctions, the arrest of Venezuelan diplomats abroad — nothing has worked. As "Corporate Coup: Venezuela and the End of US Empire" author Anya Parampil explains, the failed Venezuela overthrow efforts are actually providing a blueprint for U.S. efforts to effect regime change in other countries around the globe as well. Plus a segment on the FBI operation to set up Donald Trump over alleged mishandling of classified documents. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Mitt Romney!
Gisteren - 1 h 0 min
episode The WHO Is Seizing SWEEPING Global Powers w/ Dr. Meryl Nass artwork
The WHO Is Seizing SWEEPING Global Powers w/ Dr. Meryl Nass
There is movement afoot within the international community — meaning the powerful western nations that exert a great deal of control over international affairs — to grant the World Health Organization sweeping new powers to dictate pandemic responses, and even to decide when a pandemic is occurring, around the globe. These are clearly antidemocratic measures that Republicans in the United States senate and a number of Republican state Attorneys General are vowing to fight. Jimmy apeaks with physician Meryl Nass, who has been an instrumental agent of opposition to draconian COVID response in the U.S., about this plan to put the WHO in charge of our lives. Plus a segment on Boeing’s screwup CEO walking away from the company with millions of dollars as punishment. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And a phone call from Joe Biden!
15 mei 2024 - 59 min
episode Wall Street Is Pulling HUGE Climate Scam On Latin America! w/Whitney Webb artwork
Wall Street Is Pulling HUGE Climate Scam On Latin America! w/Whitney Webb
Agents of Wall Street, the defense industry, Silicon Valley and other powerful interests are working under the radar to persuade municipalities across Latin America to essentially sell off control of vast swaths of public lands for use as carbon credits. The claim is that the land will be protected while also generating income for these communities. Except that, not surprisingly, the powerful interests driving these efforts have far more nefarious reasons for wanting to control Latin American rainforests. Author and investigative journalist Whitney Webb explains to Jimmy the interconnectedness of this carbon offsets power grab with vaccine passports, digital currency, and mass surveillance. Plus segments on the likelihood that a so-called “smart” border wall will add a new  and even more invasive wrinkle to the burgeoning security state and New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s insulting comments about black children.
13 mei 2024 - 59 min
episode Chris Cuomo ADMITS He’s Taking Ivermectin! artwork
Chris Cuomo ADMITS He’s Taking Ivermectin!
Remember during the days of the COVID vaccine rollout when many media figures, among them CNN’s Chris Cuomo, were shaming the unvaccinated and maligning Ivermectin users for taking “horse medicine?” If so you’re going to be surprised to learn that Cuomo is now suffering from a form of long COVID (or maybe long vaxx?) and he’s treating his condition with — get this — Ivermectin. Jimmy unloads both barrels on the rank hypocrisy the “journalist” Cuomo is exhibiting by refusing to apologize for getting COVID so terribly wrong after shaming other people who got it right. Plus segments on AstraZeneca officially pulling its vaccine from European markets and Bernie Sanders ramping up his criticism of Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu. Also featuring Russell Dobular, Max Blumenthal, Keaton Weiss and Kurt Metzger!
10 mei 2024 - 1 h 0 min
episode EPIC Flip-Flop! Chris Cuomo Says He’s Vaxx Injured! artwork
EPIC Flip-Flop! Chris Cuomo Says He’s Vaxx Injured!
Chris Cuomo used to be among the media’s biggest COVID vaccine pushers, frequently appearing alongside fellow CNN host Don Lemon to excoriate the unvaccinated, insisting they shouldn’t be allowed to go to the grocery store, to sporting events or really participate in any social gatherings. Except now it turns out that Cuomo himself was injured by the vaxx, and he’s singing a very different tune, pledging to get to the bottom of just how harmful these vaccines really were. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the about face from the former CNN host and whether the tide is now turning to the point where other mainstream media representatives can also begin to question the COVID narrative. Plus segments on a recent New York Times piece highlighting the plight of the vaxx injured and an interview with economics professor Richard Wolff about what Marxism really means.
08 mei 2024 - 1 h 0 min

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