The Unwanted Boulder
Gratis podcast

The Unwanted Boulder

Podcast door Broken Circle/Spiral Hill

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The Unwanted Boulder - an audio documentary about Robert Smithson’s 1971 earthwork Broken Circle/Spiral Hill in Emmen, The Netherlands. Narrated by musician Lee Ranaldo (former Sonic Youth). In the audio documentary, the listener travels through Robert Smithson's world of art and ideas and his struggle with a huge, millennia-old boulder that turned up in the middle of his artwork. Initially he was unhappy with this intruder but over time came to terms with it. Despite this false start, Smithson considered Broken Circle/Spiral Hill one of his major works. Visit for more info. 

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episode The Unwanted Boulder artwork
The Unwanted Boulder
The Unwanted Boulder - an audio documentary about Robert Smithson’s 1971 earthwork Broken Circle/Spiral Hill in Emmen, The Netherlands. Narrated by musician Lee Ranaldo (former Sonic Youth). The audio documentary associatively explores the genesis of American artist Robert Smithson's only earthwork located in Europe, Broken Circle/Spiral Hill (1971), made in a sand quarry near Emmen in the province of Drenthe, The Netherlands. In the audio documentary, the listener travels through Robert Smithson's world of art and ideas and his struggle with a huge, millennia-old boulder that turned up in the middle of his artwork. Initially he was unhappy with this intruder but over time came to terms with it. Despite this false start, Smithson considered Broken Circle/Spiral Hill one of his major works. Visit [] for more info on Robert Smithson and the artwork Broken Circle/Spiral Hill.
30 nov 2022 - 48 min
episode Trailer: The Unwanted Boulder artwork
Trailer: The Unwanted Boulder
The Unwanted Boulder - an audio documentary about Robert Smithson’s 1971 earthwork Broken Circle/Spiral Hill in Emmen, The Netherlands. Narrated by musician Lee Ranaldo (former Sonic Youth). The audio documentary associatively explores the genesis of American artist Robert Smithson's only earthwork located in Europe, Broken Circle/Spiral Hill (1971), made in a sand quarry near Emmen in the province of Drenthe, The Netherlands. In the audio documentary, the listener travels through Robert Smithson's world of art and ideas and his struggle with a huge, millennia-old boulder that turned up in the middle of his artwork. Initially he was unhappy with this intruder but over time came to terms with it. Despite this false start, Smithson considered Broken Circle/Spiral Hill one of his major works. Visit [] for more info on Robert Smithson and the artwork Broken Circle/Spiral Hill.
25 nov 2022 - 2 min

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