Kill Hitler

Kill Hitler

Audiobook by World History

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Six attempts were made by German officers to kill Hitler in autumn 1943 and summer 1944. Explosives in personal gifts, assassins armed with hand grenades and pistols, and even suicide bombers with pockets full of explosives hunted the Führer, who undoubtedly recognised the danger. The security arrangements around the leader of the Nazi regime were therefore enormous when, in July 1944, Officer Claus von Stauffenberg travelled to Hitler's Führerbunker in East Prussia to kill first Adolf Hitler and then the entire Third Reich. Claus von Stauffenberg was not alone. He was just a pawn in a group of noble officers' plan to overthrow the Nazis and then make gentle peace with the British, Russians and Americans before Germany was destroyed by its enemies. How close was the group to succeeding? 
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