Podcast by Jennifer Gilmour
Abuse Talk is a digital community- Join the discussion about domestic abuse. A series of interviews with those that work in the domestic abuse secto...
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54 episodesBRAVE BIRD CLUB ✨ BRAVERY, HOPE, BANTS & PANTS 💫 HELPING EVERYDAY SHE-ROES FIND THEIR BRAVE ❤️ *** Brave Bird Club Podcast Episode I was guest on: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4NxEGaj9oqrB7JInXmYnwB?si=7b704f0cf4744ec2 [https://open.spotify.com/episode/4NxEGaj9oqrB7JInXmYnwB?si=7b704f0cf4744ec2] Brave Bird Website: https://www.bravebird.club [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHJhSmxHeENjbER3SjlrTmdPZ1NCZmhYSEdmd3xBQ3Jtc0tuT0VoMVZCd3FqZHpzNEVDQnBoQlJNV3dhTUhkTnN3ZTVBelY5WnJYd2h2YWFWU053dURqMzJfM2JlQmtmMzhZbFpiX3V6cDg4X3NvMEtzbndKWjNpRTUwZWdGZXJ3N2VwU2hlcENYLXZGb3lZV1FWTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bravebird.club&v=EaOzR53fh3Q] My Sisters' House Women's Centre: https://www.mysistershouse.info/donate [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUtkMUdhb2xlWHJsQ1dnZUZvRmpvSWNRZ1FCUXxBQ3Jtc0tsd0p1eFdwNUZIZVJDTHVCRjBvalc3aXBCejBqR196Wnl5cFBtRkIzTlpBY2JIN2FPYmp3UTYwVVNvbG9KcWt2S0k3XzhuUmN5WGRnejlTMjFSeVJkbENKbldRbGVQV1hack52ZlNDSzN1VDRhOHc4Zw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mysistershouse.info%2Fdonate&v=EaOzR53fh3Q] *** Abuse Talk Podcast currently offers a series of interviews with those that work in the domestic abuse sector. Getting an inside feel for what its really like in their job role and sharing it with all of you. Now mixing with survivor stories. Don't forget you can respond to this episode by leaving a voice message on Anchor, get in touch if you have any queries. Our website: www.abusetalk.co.uk [https://www.abusetalk.co.uk/] --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/abusetalk/message
Wondering where the podcast has been over the last few months? Here's your answer, I share exactly what has happened and why I have had a full blown identity crisis and why this is related to what I went through in my abusive relationship. *** Jennifer Gilmour is an author and advocate for women in abusive relationships, using her own experiences of domestic abuse as a catalyst to bring awareness and to help others. Jennifer has published two publications, Isolation Junction and Clipped Wings which have both been Amazon Best Sellers and received awards. Jennifer speaks at events across the UK and continues to raise awareness through her blog posts, public speaking, radio interviews and social media. Jennifer has listened to her readers and has grown a digital community to support discussions around domestic abuse online. Starting with her Twitter Chat which opened late 2017 #AbuseTalk, this developed into an online forum in 2018. In 2019, Jennifer launched a podcast which include interviews with those in the sector and gives followers the opportunity to ask burning questions. Most Informative Blogger Award 2018 (Bloggers Bash Annual Awards) UK & European Award for using Social Media for Good 2019 (Social Day: Social Media Marketing Awards) #SBS Winner 2020 (Theo Paphitis) Jennifer says: “Together we are Louder”. Website: www.jennifergilmour.com [https://www.jennifergilmour.com/] *** Abuse Talk Podcast currently offers a series of interviews with those that work in the domestic abuse sector. Getting an inside feel for what its really like in their job role and sharing it with all of you. Now mixing with survivor stories. Don't forget you can respond to this episode by leaving a voice message on Anchor, get in touch if you have any queries. Our website: www.abusetalk.co.uk [https://www.abusetalk.co.uk/] --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/abusetalk/message
* I was born on 23rd Feb 1962 in Stuttgart, Germany. * Having a very imaginative mind I was reading books from a very young age. I´m still reading a lot and I love watching movies. * I started traveling when I was a teenager and learning about other countries and cultures opened my mind very much. * After school I worked as an au-pair in Winchester and went to a language school studying English. * I wanted to be a vet but didn´t get into vet school. I studied Agrobiology at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart instead. * My studies enabled me to travel as well: I worked on farms in Switzerland, New Zealand, Germany and participated in a student exchange program with the University of Georgia, Athens, USA * After University I didn´t do my PhD - as everyone expected - but went on a trip around the world as a backpacker for almost 1 1/2 years. * When I came back to Germany I was broke but happy. I didn´t feel like pursuing an academic career. Instead I found a job at a little publisher´s at Lake Constance. I worked as an editor, secretary, translator, horse handler etc. We published a working horse magazine. That´s where I met Henry (not his real name). * When I turned 30 I wanted to start a family and have a little farm in the country :) Before that I actually never imagined myself as being a mother. * Henry wanted the same and I felt he was my soul mate. Yeah. Love bombing here we come ..... * Our dating was insane, intense and crazy - I´ve never felt more loved. I got pregnant and we got married. * He got more abusive. After son no. 2 life with him was hell - but not always. We had good times too. * When my youngest said: I wish Daddy was dead I knew something was very wrong. * he moved out in 2002, we got divorced in 2005, financial abuse stopped in Oct 2020. * After he had moved out my sons and I had a great family life. I started working as an English teacher and later on as a Biology and Health Care teacher as well. I work in adult education and at a vocational college. * I live in the Black Forest right now, near Freudenstadt. (That´s the northern part of the Black Forest) * My sons are wonderful grown up men of 28 and 25. One lives in Munich, the other in Gießen (near Frankfurt) * I am no contact with Henry * I´ve written my story „I wish Daddy was dead". I want to finally get it published and that´s what I´m researching at the moment: how to get a book published. * Besides reading and watching films I love training dogs. I have got two dogs. George is a certified search and rescue dog and Loony is an apprentice search and rescue dog. George is a Border Collie and Loony is a Spanish Waterdog. *** Abuse Talk Podcast currently offers a series of interviews with those that work in the domestic abuse sector. Getting an inside feel for what its really like in their job role and sharing it with all of you. Now mixing with survivor stories. Don't forget you can respond to this episode by leaving a voice message on Anchor, get in touch if you have any queries. Our website: www.abusetalk.co.uk [https://www.abusetalk.co.uk/] My website: www.jennifergilmour.com [https://www.jennifergilmour.com/] @TeacherSusanUte [//@TeacherSusanUte] (UteSusanWeiss) --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/abusetalk/message
Chris Green OBE talking about how and why he founded White Ribbon UK and his inspirational journey to raise awareness of domestic abuse. In 2004 Chris Green founded White Ribbon UK while working as a senior lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University. *** Twitter @Chrisstevengre2@WhiterRibbon_UK Facebook @ ChrisStevenGreen Blog: ChrisGreenonSexism Website: www.whiteribbon.org.uk [https://www.whiteribbon.org.uk] *** Abuse Talk Podcast currently offers a series of interviews with those that work in the domestic abuse sector. Getting an inside feel for what its really like in their job role and sharing it with all of you. Now mixing with survivor stories. Don't forget you can respond to this episode by leaving a voice message on Anchor, get in touch if you have any queries. Our website: www.abusetalk.co.uk [https://www.abusetalk.co.uk/] My website: www.jennifergilmour.com [https://www.jennifergilmour.com/] --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/abusetalk/message
Michelle John from PEGS joins us to talk about child to parent abuse. Michelle has the rare combination of a background in domestic abuse advocacy, lived experience, and the willingness and ability to speak up for her fellow parents. Having lived through Child to Parent Abuse, Michelle has truly harnessed the knowledge gained in a tough situation to help families across the UK. In addition to helping more than 1,400 parents impacted by CPA, she's delivered impactive training, highlighted the issue in the national press, and pushed for policy change via a number of high-profile speaking engagements. Previously, Michelle spent more than 15 years within the domestic abuse and family law sectors, alongside being a trustee for a national domestic abuse charity focused on male and LGBTQ+ victims of abuse. She is still a core supporter of a charity for veterans based in West Wales, where she lived before moving to Shropshire. PEGS is a not-for-profit organisation set up to support parents, train professionals, raise awareness and influence national policy. For parents, there's a dedicated peer group, bi-weekly drop-ins, a tailormade EPIC confidence and coping techniques programme, counselling and advocacy - all open to any parent, carer or guardian with a child of any age from pre-school to adulthood and beyond. Professionals benefit from a range of bespoke courses designed to increase their knowledge and enable them to effectively support parents. *** PEGS links: https://www.pegsupport.co.uk [https://www.pegsupport.co.uk] https://www.facebook.com/PEGS.Support [ https://www.facebook.com/PEGS.Support] https://twitter.com/PEGS_support [ https://twitter.com/PEGS_support] https://www.instagram.com/pegs_support/ [https://www.instagram.com/pegs_support/] https://www.linkedin.com/company/pegs-support/ [https://www.linkedin.com/company/pegs-support/] *** Abuse Talk Podcast currently offers a series of interviews with those that work in the domestic abuse sector. Getting an inside feel for what its really like in their job role and sharing it with all of you. Now mixing with survivor stories. Don't forget you can respond to this episode by leaving a voice message on Anchor, get in touch if you have any queries. Our website: www.abusetalk.co.uk [https://www.abusetalk.co.uk/] My website: www.jennifergilmour.com [https://www.jennifergilmour.com/] --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/abusetalk/message
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